Robotics are Making Impressive Breakthroughs in the Health Care Industry

Tim Murawski
3 min readSep 12, 2021


If we take a trip back in time, we will see the countless ways robots have been used in books and movies to represent advances in technology we never thought imaginable. Today, the world of sci-fi is becoming a realityas robots are being used for everything from driving to cooking to cleaning the home.

But one of the most remarkable applications comes into play in the healthcare industry. Robots are integrated in nursing care, hospital environments… and a robot just may be operating on you the next time you need surgery.

The idea of a robot replacing a human doctor may not sit well with everyone, but the advancements being made are quite remarkable. Read on to find out more.

What Types of Robots are Used in Healthcare?

There are many types of robots being used in the healthcare field. These include the following:

Surgical Robots

Surgical assistance robots can help doctors perform minimally invasive complex micro procedures. They use computer vision to identify specific areas to be operated on while avoiding nerves and other obstacles. Some robots may even be able to complete surgeries on their own while a surgeon oversees the process.

Robots have been instrumental in performing procedures like hysterectomies, prostatectomies, bariatric surgeries and orthopedic surgeries without the need for large incisions.

Therapeutic Robots

Therapeutic robots help in the rehabilitation process. They use AI and depth cameras to monitor patients as they perform prescribed exercises. They interact with patients to coach them and provide encouragement and they can measure movement more precisely than the human eye.

Service Robots

Service robots reduce tasks of healthcare workers by handling them themselves. They can set up patient rooms, find and deliver medications, stock medical supplies and handle cleaning duties. They send a report when tasks are completed. When robots handle medial tasks, workers are better able to focus on caring for their patients.

Social Robots

Social robots provide social interaction and monitoring. They keep patients happy and alert and encourage them to comply with treatment recommendations. They take the pressure off staff members and help patients achieve optimal emotional wellbeing.

Autonomous Robots

Autonomous robots are made with mapping capabilities and built-in light detection so they can navigate medical environments. Clinicians can use a remote to interact with the robot from afar or the robot can assist doctors on hospital rounds automatically recordingdiagnosis and suggestions made for medical care. They can keep track of their batteries and find charging stations when their power is getting low.

Benefits of Robots

Robots provide several benefits for the patients and doctors who rely on them. These include the following:

Improvement of Care: Robots can monitor patients continually making for high quality care. Their ability to take the stress off healthcare workers allows the staff deliver an improved care standard.

Boost Efficiency:Robots keep track of hospital supplies, inventory and medication and oversee patients’ conditions. This makes for boosted efficiency in the hospital ensuring patients are seen to promptly and saving medical facilities time and money in the long run.

Makes a Safe Work Environment: Service robots deal with dangerous chemicals and do heavy lifting reducing potential risks for healthcare workers. They also effectively sanitize rooms to decrease the spread of germs and disease.

Robotic Advancements in Laparoscopic Surgery

Robotics are changing the world of healthcare for the better. One of the most recent advancements comes fromLevita Magnetics, a California laparoscopic systems specialist. The company is currently working on the Levita Robotics Platform, a surgical robot that uses magnetic technology to control devices that are inserted into the body during laparoscopic surgery.

Although the platform is still in development, it has been used to successfully perform surgery on a patient in Chile.

The technique the robot uses is advantageous in that it does not require a fixed pivot point to carry out the precise movements necessary during the surgery. It results in fewer incisions and less risk to the patient. It also reduces the amount of personnel needed to perform the procedure.


Some people may prefer a human touch to robots, especially when it comes to medical care. But the advancements robotics have made in this space are undeniable. They create more efficient systems, a higher quality of care and a safer work environment. They are truly the way of the future in the industry.



Tim Murawski

Chicago | Augmedics CCO & President | AR Medtech | Robotics