Subscription Services That Are Worth Every Penny

Tim X
4 min readJan 30, 2022

Subscription services are a very popular business model these days. Here is a list of some of my favorites, that really were worth the money.

Photo by freestocks

The Math

The whole bills thing has changed so much. I remember it used to be like this:

  • Water
  • Gas
  • Electric
  • Phone
  • Rent
  • Trash

Enter the subscription age! I am spending $80.29 a month currently on various subscription services. At one point it was up to $380.29, before I finally quit Noom and Freshly. They were the two biggest drains on the bank account, and that is the reason they had to go.

Here are some that I am currently using and why, and if all hell broke loose, which ones I’d hang on to until the very last.

Deezer Family Plan $14.99 / Month

I simply couldn’t live without Deezer. If I were to suddenly lose my job, Deezer would probably be the last to go. I used to be on Spotify, but I left for a couple reasons — just recently.

I love music, and I love creating playlists and sharing them with my wife. Listening to music in the car with my son, finding new bands. Looking up old songs I…



Tim X

Sometimes neither political party makes me feel at home. I have more questions from religion than answers. Life is grayer than we'd like to admit. Let's talk.