Tim Clemans
4 min readAug 27, 2016

CloudSigma.com is painful to setup and support rep Vladimir Petrov is an asshole

Disclaimer: I’m a contractor for a cloud computing service. It is a service however that doesn’t directly compete with AWS/GCE/DO/CS etc so I’m not writing this to say CS is bad go use my contractor’s service. I’m researching cloud services like Digital Ocean. I found CloudSigma which seemed really cool. However unlike say AWS it does not walk you through all the things you need to do. I gave up about a half hour later. I love the instant chat but not the “it’s not but you don don’t know anything thats why it’s good to view the videos” I also love the pricing model. The main issue seems to be how hard it is to set this up.

Tim Clemans
my machine isn’t starting. i’m lost on how to get first machine going

Vladimir Petrov joined the chat

Vladimir Petrov
Hello, thank you for contacting CloudSigma technical support. How may I help you?

let me check

set your CPU to 2 GHZ

and it will start
Tim Clemans
did that. pressed the > button but don’t see anything happening

Vladimir Petrov
you didn’t save it

after changing the cpu frequency you should hit SAVE button before start your VM
Tim Clemans
i just now pressed save and clicked > and don’t see anything happening

Vladimir Petrov
now start it
Tim Clemans
pressed > after “now start it” don’t see anything happening

Vladimir Petrov
select AMD cpu as well

also you have no drive attached
Tim Clemans
yay something happened but have error

Vladimir Petrov
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzbyqr58Pg57ogi3NVL7blQ please review our YouTube channel first
Tim Clemans
“Error! The following errors have occurred:
Billing Error: Cannot run on burst while in state TRIAL. In order to use these resources you need to purchase a subscription or have sufficient funds available in your account.”

Vladimir Petrov
yes, select AMD as cpu
Tim Clemans
weird it reverts back to intel after save and click >

which video should i watch

Vladimir Petrov
it’s recommended to see all the videos
Tim Clemans
seriously? why so hard to fire up a server?

Vladimir Petrov
it’s not

but you don

don’t know anything

thats why it’s good to view the videos
Tim Clemans
do you work for the company directly or are you a support contractor. i want to make a complaint.

Vladimir Petrov
I work for the company directly. What complaint do you want to make?

And why?

I told you to see the videos

It will answer to most of your questions

Please bear in mind, that we are not teachers

but the cloud infrastructure support only
Tim Clemans
that how to start up a trial server should be much easier with documentation embedded. i have fired up servers with digital ocean, google compute, and amazon in seconds but this I’m struggling with. You can’t even tell me which video to start with

Vladimir Petrov
Can’t you read>


Also digital ocean is like ten times harder to operate with than CloudSigma
Tim Clemans
at least I can start a server with it …

Vladimir Petrov
You can start here as well, but you prefer not to read or watch

and ask the supports, because it’s easier
Tim Clemans
when i click on the teacher icon next to add funds no mention of creating a compute instance

Vladimir Petrov
In general, you should set CPU to 2 GHz AMD, 2GB RAM and attach a Drive from the Library

after this, hit SAVE and start your server
Tim Clemans
are you aware that i said that setting amd to intel says burst error and reverts back to intel

Vladimir Petrov
no, you didn’t
Tim Clemans
nvm now it works didn’t before thank you bye for now

Vladimir Petrov
I can see your logs

You have no drive attache


stop your server, go to drive section, click Attach Drive → Drive from Library, then choose some preinstalled OS, up to 50 GB, then click SAVE button and start the server
Tim Clemans
how do i change from 10 to 50 gb

Vladimir Petrov
after choosing the OS and saving it, go to Storage sections, select your attached Drive and chose your size

(don’t forget to save it after resizing the drive)
Tim Clemans
i give up. not seeing an edit button.

i appreciate your help i’m just too dumb for your cloud

Vladimir Petrov
there is not edit button

go to Storage -> Drives

click on your drive

and from the Properties tab is scale

change the Size scale and click Save at the top of the page
Tim Clemans
the interface looks much differently than that in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PjU2NIwnexo clicking on oopen remote connection button is doing nothing for me

Vladimir Petrov
In order to open a VNC tunnel go to Compute, choose the server that you want to manage, click on Properties and click on the button right next to the VNC Tunnel. You may use the url with a VNC client and/or the web-based application.
Tim Clemans
which video tells me where to find my login info?

Vladimir Petrov
Go to Storage -> Drives, click on the OS image and then Install Notes. Under “Initial Credentials” you will find the username and the password.
Tim Clemans
i only see username

what’s my password?

Vladimir Petrov
there should be the passwordf
Tim Clemans
“How to use:

Clone the disk image

Resize it to the desired size

Generate your own SSH key

Add your SSH key to the server settings

Boot the server and login to it using your SSH key and the username ‘ubuntu’
You may also use CloudInit by following these instructions: https://www.cloudsigma.com/2014/10/29/an-introduction-to-server-provisioning-with-cloudinit/"

Vladimir Petrov
oh, you are using ubuntu

in this case you should generate and attach SSH key

and connect via SSH with added SSH key
Tim Clemans
even with the vnc thing i just opened?

Vladimir Petrov
you can’t login with the VNC for first

or you can follow the instructions from the given link above
Tim Clemans
screw this bye

Vladimir Petrov