Whether ’tis nobler to tokenize

Tim Bartus
1 min readNov 16, 2017


by HACK Fund Managing Partner Jonathan Nelson

To tokenize or not to tokenize that is the question…

Amy Y. Wan [https://www.linkedin.com/in/amyywan/] posted a great question tonight re: should you use blockchain tokens in your project.

Here’s a few questions that might be helpful:

Do you need multiple parties to track something? EG logistics, international trade, escrow services…

Do you need massively distributed computing / storage? EG filecoin or storj that let people rent out hard drive storage, render farms…

Do you need provable list of transactions?

Do you need transparency and security? T govt public records, procurement, purchasing, licensing, permits?

Do you want to break a big asset into small tradeable pieces? E. G. Fractional ownership of real estate, airplanes, boats etc

Do you need a public registry of hard assets? Property registries, real estate titles etc.

Do you need a way for people to buy / sell / trade credits for your services? Gift cards, purchasing credits redeemable for digital goods, Intermediate currencies etc

Do you want to crowdfund?

Do you want your asset to be liquid or freely tradeable?

Do you want your product to be distributed across multiple computers and not centralized?

I’m tokenizing venture capital: hack.hf.cx

Any use cases I missed?

