DAG Blockchain

An internet grade blockchain?

4 min readDec 10, 2017


As TIM Coin pre-ICO starts in a month’s time, it is ideal to start with the philosophical overtone from one of our logistics clients which kickstarted our search for performance, “It’s all in the moment. If a system can’t do it now, it is not the right system”.

We were developing a simple multi-party small dime sized electronic chip to transmit location over 30/60 day journey of parcels across continents. The device was working great. It was small in size. The small battery had enough juice to last the voyage. All components were functioning great. And we were looking to scale this solution to cater trade finance at the soonest. But database was coming costly due to edge level performance guarantees. And the solution had to fit the budget of 2$ per chip. The deal was priced to get the economics right for 20 million daily chip volume. But database management became costlier. And trade finance will add 100s of scanned pages, and digitization would be additional task. O Boy!, we had to hustle.

And we did. Our team tested a simple ERC20 for modest number of chips which was in trial across ASIA-EURASIA corridors. And it worked. It reduced our database cost by 100th(projected over year for volumes). And that’s how TIM started.

We named our blockchain as TALKING because it facilitated our huge swarm of IOT devices to talk(integration sense in meaning). We later envisaged that it could not only be applied to Trackers but also any kind of large swarm of moving connected devices in a trusted environment. Thus we found the use case for blockchain taxi. TIM(in short code of TALKING.IM, out of sheer love for this system), could connect many things, if not all or everything.

We faced 3 more problems over the year. These were namely, Security of blockchain (by mining or staking), Performance over large geographies so that we could have more clients on common network, and making it insulated from regional disruptions.

How we solved security? PoB.

We deviced proof of belongingness to use the advanatges of PoS(proof of stake) and PoW(proof of work), along with our forte in Geolocation datalayer over blockchain. This way we saved ourselves from burning expensive energies for zombie hashing and also mortgaging ourselves to nodemasters. We are so happy that we made a truly democratic blockchain.

How we solved Performance? Geo-Mining.

We had to again contain the cost of operation to almost pennies because we have committed $2 cost of devices. And software was only option left as battlefront. Though our next battlefront would be hardware also, but for some other day. Therefore we designed a network forking and merger mechanism so that a simple multi-node p2p algorithm could itself decide the ideal size of network for optimal operation. We designed 2 layers of blockchain, the first being the main layer which only tracks the number of forked zones and sub-layer is actual blockchain split in 1000s of parts(max 10,000). The sub-zone merged every 5 seconds to collect a zero-overhead consensus. The block rewards are decided in subsequent block. Our performance went beyond the roof. This made everything faster and we were incurring low fees in low activity areas. Now the parcels to Africa won’t cost the same as USA. What a beautiful world it is — Empowering, Equalizer and Fair. We love it.

How we solved the domino effect of blockchain? Hyperlocal.

In all, as per our knowledge, current blockchains are a singleton system. One event in remote part of the world will equally impact everyone, everywhere. Not a very nice situation for running 20 million daily trackers in logistics industry. So we architected a solution from one of the ETHEREUM rejected ideas(but still talked in forum awaiting some protocol changes), about not mining all transactions unless there is conflict. This was actually very easy for us to implement given that we had already created geo-mining protocol. The Hyperlocal dapps are geo-fenced to work in a given region. This way the players can actually manage the parties and their intentions. The cost and wait-time for adding transactions is almost null, unless their is dishonesty in the dapp where main network needs to mediate for resolution. Now the kittens of Canada would not make the whole world stop for gestation. We can still bear our own kittens in Singapore! :)

Our client actually meant us to make it real-time and wait-free. The commerce cannot wait. The opportunities do not wait. It is all in the moment.

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The Internet of Money (TIM) is an internet grade blockchain providing 100 Million Txns/Second. WWW.TALKING.IM