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Token Appreciation Model

2 min readMar 9, 2018

By helping partners to use TIM Blockchain

Digital assets like cryptocurrency have huge value in terms of usage, security and longevity. They provide a middle man free environment to exchange and store value.

With surge of multiple types and classes of digital assets, it is imperative to re-think about the valuation of these tokens.

The classic tokens like Bitcoin and Ethereum are primarily valued based on the input cost of mining and also added with market sentiments. Ethereum is also valued in terms of usage by various smart contract based Dapps hosted on the network.

But what about the rest?

The larger part part of alt-tokens are valued based on hype generated by various legit and borderline means. In the longer term, your investments are only going to appreciate if the inherent valuation is backed by an economics which stores its value in the token for bringing efficiency, happiness or health to masses(Industrial motive game theory).

For example, if a token is being used to facilitate efficient transactions or storage, the token itself doesn’t become valuable unless the generated benefits are stored in the network. This generally means that the services should create a lock-in with customers/users. If the service is accepting dollars for full-value, the token itself remains unchanged in valuation. For example, if WePower charges it’s energy providers in dollars for rendered efficiency, WPR wouldn’t appreciate in inherent value.

For TIM blockchain, the developers and the board decided an unique value storage model for rendered efficiency in hosted businesses. They designed a fee free subchain feature, like smart contracts on Ethereum, but the services wouldn’t cost any mining fee. In return, the users stake 5 TIMs to enjoy the benefits. The staking creates demand of TIMs in open market and boosts valuation. The businesses or individual who do that, will be able to build a self-business independent of TIM, as an organisation. This platform is freely available to all.

Updated based on business validations. TIM Hodlers enjoy the same level of staking scarcity driven price appreciation. Sprints will be planned with community and partners based on product launch timelines across the globe in successive manner.

The approach of TIM is one of many possibilities in digital asset classes. We live in a very interesting time where the intrinsic meaning, definition as well as the purpose of MONEY is changing.

Let us ask again, WHAT IS MONEY?

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The Internet of Money (TIM) is an internet grade blockchain providing 100 Million Txns/Second. WWW.TALKING.IM