How do you Maintain Transparency Without Showing Your Hand to Competitors?

Tim Brown
2 min readJun 20, 2016


So much of the exposure, traffic and opportunities I’ve gained through writing articles, content marketing, and sharing the things I’ve learned, but recently I was told I showed too much… so it got me thinking where is the line?

I never want to write commodity content and to me if I’m not straining myself a little to give value, I’m not giving enough. Clearly I just have to be careful not to share with people in my same market and same industry our exact strategy. That might seem silly but I essentially did that and was scolded.

It got me thinking, how do I share a ton of value in the future without making it appear I’m giving away the farm?

A came up with this short list to try to help inform my strategy on that front going forward:

  • Giving away one particular strategy and not giving out the whole roadmap or list of things all together I did to achieve a result.
  • Providing details surrounding a given tactic without giving the industry specifics.
  • Choosing the right platform — not posting stuff exactly where the competition hangs out but being generation where they’re less likely to be.

Or, my personal favorite… give until it hurts. As long as I’m not pissing anyone off at the moment, I like to share as much as I can of the value of what I’m learning.

If you don’t give it away you lose it, so I will at least share what I’m learning to internal teams and clients, it’s just that writing is such an easy way to do this with the broader community.

I think more than a ‘how to’ post I’m really looking for feedback on this one. How do you give away value to you audience and community without accidentally sharing too much about your strategy? Or do you just share as much as you can and not worry about that?



Tim Brown

Owner of Hook Agency - Web Design, SEO and Social Media marketing all centered around making effective websites, and making websites more effective.