If I’m not going to create the best thing possible, I might as well go work at McDonald’s now

Tim Brown
2 min readFeb 10, 2017


I was really surprised to hear Elon Musk say he would rather commit seppuku than fail — when describing his work and company to investors.

It drives me nuts that some people don’t have this kind of passion for their craft. It’s interesting that at the time Elon Musk wrote this (and many years after that) a ton of people doubted his ability to execute.

But what do so many people have in common that succeed in such notable quantities? An urgency, almost a desperation to win. For them, the winning usually involves a bigger idea that inspires them to work hard into the night when it’s crunch time.

At this particular moment – for me the feeling isn’t warm and fuzzy. It’s a high level of determination despite setbacks

By no means is my new startup (my small agency) on it’s heels or broken – it’s just a matter of cash flow, and keeping the coffers full enough to keep everything going on a fast clip.

I want every difficult moment — savoring every speed-bump

The truth is that many people turn back.

They say to themselves… ‘Well… this is uncomfortable, perhaps I should reconsider my decision to start a business.’

Maybe I should just work for someone else.

But for me the bigger idea is making the best things possible, and having more creative control so that I can offer a ton of value.

The best things about difficulties is that everyone has them… So if you can push through when 90% of people turn back you get the benefits that only 10% of people get.

I had a client talk me through the hard work that he put in, the late nights, his wife saying “why do you have to work so hard?”

He said if he couldn’t make his business turn into something serious and significant he might as well go work at McDonald’s…

What is the sentiment here?

Well we want to create a thriving business that will turn a serious profit and fulfills a bigger deeper goal that drives us.

Elon Musk… This client… Myself…

We all want to be wildly successful, and perhaps that means patience.. But sometimes it means breaking out of established patterns and pushing even harder. Stepping it up in a massive way. 10x-ing our business, instead of just trying to double it.

All that I know is that I deeply appreciate it when I feel the same kind of thinking I have “I have to win… or really there is no other option..” I have to win.



Tim Brown

Owner of Hook Agency - Web Design, SEO and Social Media marketing all centered around making effective websites, and making websites more effective.