My first three days as a full-time freelancer

Tim Brown
2 min readDec 11, 2016


I haven’t struck it big time yet!

Though it’s hilarious that I wanted to get some serious wins out of the gate, I was indeed thinking that way. I know it’ll be a hit for a little while not having the pretty respectable salary I had at my agency, and so yes I wanted some sales on my first couple days.

I guess I also understand that might not be how it’ll work, and I need to connect with as many people as possible in the meantime, wanting nothing out of them at the moment. So here I am, playing down my neediness a bit — opting to chill on the ask, for the time being. Challenging myself to provide value instead of be eager to sell when people need rather to be educated.

Because this approach will lead to better long term results, I’ve decided to leak funds for a little bit — essentially to not push for sales and not jump at small sales that will clog my production pipeline with the type of work I don’t want to do long term.

I guess that’s why they say to have a financial runway. The overlap technique, which allows you to still have an abundant mindset as much as you can while the market catches up to thinking of you as a viable option to work with.

To be clear, I am only comfortable full time freelancing because I get 3 or 4 leads a week through my website that I’ve done a good amount of SEO work on. I also am taking people out for lunch every day for two weeks to be as connected as possible with the marketing community in Minneapolis.

All this… and yes, I’m still anxious! I guess this is why more people don’t take the risk, and in a way that revs me up. I like being in the minority — and it does seem like the minority of people willing to freelance full time or start a business of their own. It’s not easy, and a lot of that is managing my emotions as I steady myself for a longer journey.

One that will require patience.

Thanks for sharing the journey with me.



Tim Brown

Owner of Hook Agency - Web Design, SEO and Social Media marketing all centered around making effective websites, and making websites more effective.