What if PunkScape NFT Banners are a Hidden Digital Real Estate and Advertising Gold Mine?

Timber Peak Ventures
6 min readApr 29, 2022


We see plenty of blue sky within PunkScape and the PFB movement

Let’s start with a very quick introduction and then hop right in.

PunkScapes (or Scapes) are a 10k Banner NFT (or PFB) collection that was launched in Summer 2021. Here are some links you may find helpful:

PunkScapes Intro / PunkScapes OpenSea / PunkScapes Etherscan

Simply put, in social media terms, PunkScape is one of the very few NFT collections focused on the background cover photo of your profile. Ironically, on most platforms the cover photo equates to ~80% of the total area of your digital identity (remember this for later).

There are an abundance of unique features to Scapes (auctions that pay holders royalties, free custom scape building tools, and more) as well as traditional NFT collection features that everyone is familiar with (great community, the opportunity to experience an appreciation on your investment, etc).

Alright, now that we’re caught up on the basics lets move on to some logical speculations that have us very bullish on the future of PunkScapes and the banner category as a whole.

PunkScape Chapter II was Huge.

With the launch of PunkScape Chapter II, not only does a Scape move, but they have been transformed in to interactive experiences.

PunkScape #6920, Chapter I

What used to be a static banner is now a much bigger world with moving objects, features, and the ability for viewers to head out on self-guided explorations.

PunkScape #6920, Chapter II

When you buy a Scape you own both the Chapter I and Chapter II versions. Here is an example of how you can seamlessly toggle between the two.

Overnight, this vastly increased the digital real estate inthe ScapeVerse.

More digital space means more possibilities.

What this means for Digital Identity.

Twitter doesn’t have verified NFT banners yet, or animated banners for that matter. But they will. Having Elon at the helm definitely won’t slow down the rollout of new features and integrations that connect a person’s wallet to the platform.

Twitter integrating verified banners will be a major catalyst for the PFB movement, but lets apply some second order thinking and take it a step further.

What if, with PunkScape, these verified banners eventually gave the holders the ability to have their banner become an immersive world that profile visitors could explore?

What if there was enough room to showcase hundreds of PFPs or an entire gallery’s worth of NFTs inside each PunkScape banner for profile visitors to navigate and appreciate? Hint: there would be more than enough room.

What if, eventually, they could add further integrations in to their PunkScape profile banner to let visitors chat, play games, or even make offers on NFTs that they have within their banner? Hint: an ‘Integrated Scapes Marketplace’ is on the project’s official roadmap.

The possibilities are endless and create a far more open loop than the current consensus of what digital real estate is.

The ultimate representation of identity isn’t showing someone a self-portrait, it’s welcoming them in to your home.

What this means for commercial applications.

Companies and brands are more desperate than ever before to connect and relate with the next generation of consumers.

Web3 is an obvious battleground for them to get direct access to one of the most in-demand demographics in the world.

We believe that many brands will acquire NFTs simply to signal and become ‘part of the community’ in order to get direct access to valuable pools of thousands of members that have enough disposable income to spend some of it on jpegs.

We wouldn’t be surprised to see Fortune 500 companies hiring VPs of ‘Decentralized Community Marketing’ in the near future.

But what if brands could actually advertise and market within their NFTs?…

This would open up a world of possibilities.

Companies could buy their own NFT banner to give their customers an immersive and curated experience to shop, get early access to new drops, and more.

Brands could ‘rent’ Scape space on-chain for a preset amount of time from prominent influencers who have NFT banners on their social profiles, gaining impressions and engagement from their followers.

Games could be sponsored and hosted.

Meetups could occur, private or public.

You can see how quickly the banner becomes a metaversal portal.

And that’s before you consider the fact that the PunkScape team is already discussing the logistics of interScape travel, which would allow objects from one NFT to transport to another…

Case Study: Vehicles

The automotive industry in the US alone spends over $12 billion per year on ads. Car brands are struggling to find ways to appeal and relate to the next generation of buyers. Sounds like there could be some web3 overlap…

Why wouldn’t Toyota run ads in the metaverse? Or host events? Or partner with NFT communities to airdrop every member of a collection a $500 vehicle discount?

Regardless of how companies approach this new frontier of marketing, it is clear that Banners provide the opportunity for a more immersive brand experience, and more digital space to maneuver.

Fun Fact: The PunkScape collection has 796 total vehicles across 7 different vehicle types — Sportscars, Sedans, Pickup Trucks, Delivery Vans, Sherps, Police Cars and Cyber Trucks.

wen @DHL profile banner?


We could go on to talk about the opportunities within real estate, air travel, cruises, and so on. But you get the picture.

So here are some cool Scape easter eggs to leave you with. The jet and the yacht aren’t traits of the actual collection, but are elements that you may luckily stumble open during your explorations of the 10k PFB collection.

And we are sure they are just the start of what will eventually be discoverable within a Scape.

Disclaimer: Nothing written here should ever be considered financial advice. This is just our perspective that we are sharing for educational and entertainment purposes. Additionally, we are heavily invested in (and therefore severely biased towards) a banner project called PunkScapes. You’ll see them referenced here in this post, and many, many more times on our Twitter feed. Do your own research.

