Movie Scenario for Hawkman/Hawkgirl

Tim Board
6 min readJan 3, 2017

By Tim Board (Facebook: Hawkworld / Twitter: Hawkworld


Hawkman /Carter Hall (Earth)
Location: Midway City
Job: Archaeologist / Symbologist
Powers: Flight / Enhanced Strength, Vision, Hearing / Healing Powers
Communication with Birds
Weapons: Mace, Net

Hawkgirl / Shiera Saunders-Hall (Earth)
Location: Midway City
Job: Archaeologist / Linguist
Powers: Enhanced Strength, Vision, Hearing / Healing Powers
Communication with Birds
Weapons: Spear / Mace

Hawkman / Katar Hol (Thanagar)
Location: Thanagar
Job: Thanagarian Wingman(Police Officer)
Powers: Flight / Enhanced Strength, Vision, Hearing, Healing Powers
Expert Combat Skills
Weapons: Katar / Gun

Hawkwoman / Shayera Thal (Thanagar)
Location: Thanagar
Job: Thanagarian Wingman (Police Officer)
Powers: Flight / Enhanced Strength, Vision, Hearing, Healing Powers
Expert Combat Skills
Weapons: Gun / Shuriken

Hath-Set, Byth

Hath-Set (Earth)
Location: Egypt
Powers: Immortality / Enhanced Strength
Weapon: Nth Metal Dagger

Byth (Thanagar)
Location (Thanagar)
Powers: Shape-Shifting

Horus, Seth

Egyptian Gods
Horus, God of the Sky
Seth, God of Chaos

Earth: Midway City, Illinois / St. Roch, Louisiana / Egypt


Scene 1: A Thanagarian space ship crash lands in Egypt. Byth emerges from a spaceship and senses a presence in a pyramid. He enters and comes upon a statue of Seth, the God of Chaos. At the same time, Hath-Set also senses the presence and comes to the pyramid. The two villains run into each other and battle for a bit before a vision of Seth appears before them and promises them to reward them with their desires if they follow his orders. Hath-set must destroy the two individuals whose presence are keeping Seth from resurrecting, while Byth must cause death and destruction which will give the god the necessary power to arise. The two agree and are immediately transported to Midway City.

Scene 2: Carter and Shiera Hall are newly weds, having met during an archaeological dig in Egypt. While there, they discovered several strange artifacts, including a blade with strange symbols on it, masks resembling hawks, and ancient weapons such as maces and swords. They also discovered what appear to be belts or harnesses. After a brief honeymoon, they have returned to the museum to try and decipher the symbols and study the materials of the artifacts.

Scene 3: Another space ship comes to Earth undetected and lands near Byth’s crashed spaceship. From the ship emerge, Katar Hol and Shayera Thal, police officers from the planet Thanagar. They are dressed in Thanagarian police uniforms with Nth metal wings and weapons. It is slightly obvious that they also have a romantic interest in each other but are strictly professional as they begin their search for Byth.

Scene 4: Back in Midway City, Byth transforms himself in to a huge Thanagarian Brontadon beast and begins attacking the city and killing as he goes. At the museum, the Halls are suddenly attacked by Hath-Set and while trying to escape, run into the lab with the Egyptian artifacts. When they enter, the blade suddenly shines and they see a vision of Horus, the God of the Sky. He explains to them that they have ancient Thanagarian Nth metal weapons and they must use these weapons to fight Hath-Set. Horus tells them to put their hands on the blade. Hath-Set explodes into the room and in desperation, Carter and Shiera grip the blade. They are instantly transformed into Hawkman and Hawkgirl. They battle Hath-set and because of their inexperience, are wounded badly, but discover that their wounds heal quickly. Meanwhile, Hol and Thal discover that Byth is rampaging in Midway City and arrive to capture him. They battle him from the air but also take a beating. They retreat and discover with their instruments that there is more Nth metal in the city. Thinking they might be able to use it to defeat Byth, they come upon Carter and Shiera who have managed to escape from Hath-Set. When they meet, they immediately feel a connection and after exchanging stories, they escape together in the Thanagarian spaceship to regroup. Carter and Katar are almost identical, as are Shiera and Shayera. Their wounds are healed by the Nth metal and they arrive at a random location, St. Roch, Louisiana, where Katar and Shayera show Carter and Shiera how to fly and fight effectively with the wings and weapons. While there, Byth and Hath-Set track them down to finish them off. Carter and Katar take on Byth, while Shiera and Shayera take on Hath-Set. Although they come close to winning, they are still defeated by the two villains, with Carter losing his right arm and Shayera being mortally wounded.

Scene 5: As the villains go in for the final kill, the four are suddenly teleported to an Egyptian pyramid. They see a huge statue of Horus and suddenly there is another vision of Horus. The sky god explains that the Thanagarians came to Earth 3,000 years ago and shared their Nth medal technology with the Egyptians, giving them the ability to build the pyramids, among other things. However, a war broke out on Thanagar and the aliens went back to their home planet. After leaving, the Pharoahs and their priests hoarded all of the Nth medal they could find and made weapons and armor out of them. Prince Khufu and Priestess Chay-Ara wanted to use the medal for the people but were murdered by their high priest Hath-Set. Hath-set used a Nth metal blade to kill them and this triggered his immortality and their reincarnation process. However, 30 years ago, the reincarnation process was disrupted by Hath-Set in his attempt to kill them in a ritual once and for all and as a result, their rebirth was split into two parts, one half on Earth and the other half on Thanagar. The god Horus helps them see that they have always felt lacking and that they will be whole and even more powerful after merging together. With both Carter and Shayera nearing death, the four agree to it. Carter and Katar first hold the Nth blade together and with a huge flash of light are merged into one. Shiera and Shayera then do the same. Both of their bodies are whole again. Some of the Nth medal enters their bodies, making them stronger, faster, more efficient with the weapons and able to heal almost instantaneously. Horus then gives Hawkman the Claw of Horus, and to Hawkgirl he gives the Spear of Anhur, two of the most powerful weapons on Earth. Horus then tells them to go defeat the servants of Seth and save the Earth. Hawkman and Hawkgirl fly at super-speed to Hath-Set and Byth who were heading their way. Over a desert, the two villains put up a great fight but Hawkman kills Byth with the Claw of Horus and Hawkgirl kills Hath-Set with the Spear of Anhur.

Scene 6: Carter/Katar and Shiera/Shayera decide to stay on Earth and protect their planet as Hawkman and Hawkgirl while continuing their work at the museum.

Scene 7: Meanwhile on Thanagar, Onimar Synn has taken over the planet and is heading towards Earth to reclaim the Nth medal from the Hawks.


