timboh bejat
6 min readJul 4, 2018



The Blockchain, based Marketplace of Professionals


In the present tycoon proficient market (enrolling and social offering), excessively cash goes to the middle people and there is minimal left for experts and organizations. Profede is utilizing blockchain to sidestep the middle people in the expert world and make an immediate association among experts and organizations. On the Profede Professional Protocol​, experts control their own information and get paid each time organizations get to it to offer them an extraordinarily focused on work offer, a business offer or a particular business proposition. Profede conveys fundamental incentive to experts and organizations by making information significant and dispensing with middle people.

Market Overview

The Profede Professional Protocol enables guide Professional-to-Business and Proficient to-Professional cooperation, without the requirement for go-between. Decentralization and blockchain are opening entryways and enabling experts, organizations and financial specialists in various diverse ways. With information being worth such a great amount to organizations, blockchain could fill in as the impetus that secures our data as well as makes it a significant resource later on of information sharing and speculations.

One illustration is Earn. Experts can utilize this application to win computerized cash by answering to messages and finishing errands. It’s a one of a kind idea that enables experts to be repaid in return for their information. Indore is a decentralized proficient system. You can demonstrate your aptitudes, get approved by specialists and get remunerated. The organization conveys an incentive to experts by making information important. It’s a Linkedin-like decentralized system.

Dock is a decentralized convention that gives individuals a chance to associate their profiles, notoriety and encounters over the web with protection and security. For this situation experts don’t get remunerated so experts are out of the advantage condition.

Profede is a one of a kind incentive. It’s anything but an application like Earn or Indorse, and it is a convention like Dock, rather the experts are the focal point of the advantage condition. It is a convention that utilization blockchain to give control back to proficient clients. This convention empowers organizations and experts to make an immediate association. Experts control their own information and get paid each time organizations utilize it to offer them an occupation, a business proposition or a business offer. The convention will be received by thousands of little and medium applications and a huge number of clients. beBee — an expert system of 12 million expert clients — will be the first to embrace Profede’s Protocol.

The Official YouTube Presentation…

Growth Plan

Profede outlines and builds up an open source decentralized biological community, whereupon outer engineers make applications and administrations. The center offering incorporates the system empowering outer engineers to expand over the stage. Once the stage is propelled, Profede’s group will center around promoting to little and medium organizations to fabricate the activity offer side of the environment, with the desire that more organizations will bring more experts, prompting proceeded with development of the environment.

The huge appropriation of the convention will be come to once the convention is received by a few existing and new expert verticals and applications. The principal proficient system to receive it will be beBee, with 12 million clients, that has effectively consented to an arrangement with Profede.

Profede expects to make it happen with an extensive variety of various stages that can utilize and advantage from Profede’s convention..

Proficient systems
In proficient systems clients connect with each other to find new openings or offer administrations. The expert systems that execute the Profede Professional Protocol will give their clients access to a expansive measure of clients and experts in different systems.

Particular expert systems
Much like proficient systems however centered in little gatherings. For instance, designers and scholars will profit by coming to a expansive client database that Profede’s convention offers.

Medium and extensive organizations that have created work entrances on the Internet to enlist experts, however regardless they have to burn through cash on promoting systems with a specific end goal to motivate possibility to apply for their open positions. By executing the Profede Professional Protocol these organizations would be ready to get to the overall database with a great many approved experts straightforwardly, along these lines diminishing their expenses.

Enrollment specialists and talent scouts:
Recruiters will profit by an around the world database and furthermore from the new deals channel that Profede offers from its database of approved hopefuls.

Employment gateways
Generalist and particular occupation entries require advertising systems to develop their applicant databases yet once their clients discover an occupation they move toward becoming idle clients. By utilizing the Profede Professional Protocol they could offer their clients leeway to staying dynamic in that they will have the capacity to procure cash through trading information with their profile.

Specialist co-ops: by and large every one of the organizations that give administrations and esteem added to experts will have the capacity to profit by Profede’s convention.

Road Map


The Profede Professional Protocol enables guide Professional-to-Business and Proficient to-Professional cooperations, without the requirement for delegates. These days, experts have totally lost control of their information. Besides, the current framework isn’t useful for organizations either on the grounds that they make speculations without being certain of having an arrival on speculation. The present model makes it nearly difficult to access very qualified experts and over that, the achievement rate is somewhat low.

On Profede’s Platform we give the power back to the client. Experts control their profile, choose who approaches their information and are paid each time organizations or other experts utilize their information for any reason. On account of blockchain, we are making a decentralized convention that enables experts to effortlessly store and deal with their profiles, which are available by outsiders. With blockchain, experts will have the capacity to effortlessly move their profiles and information through the systems sharing in this convention, in a private and safe way. At the same time, organizations and different experts will approach the profiles of the experts, with an assurance of their authenticity and affirmation of their criticism rating, since all the substance will be reported.

Profede Professional Protocol will enable organizations to make fitting installments for a expert’s information paying little respect to the stage in which that individual’s data is found. Middle people are dispensed with and associations are encouraged by the system itself. Rather than paying any middle people, organizations consequently make modified offers specifically to experts in light of their input rating and profiles through a decentralized application.

The 12 million beBee clients will be utilized as rocket fuel to drive broad appropriation of the convention and make Profede a market kingmaker. Its token will increase quick reception by beBee’s experts because of its huge organize and will make a total digital currency economy inside the system.


Behind the screen the professional and huge experienced team are working to establish Profede. Lets introduce them:


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Author: timbohbejat


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