23 Goals for 2020

Tim Cavey
5 min readJan 10, 2020

In 2019 I became a Master of Education. Here’s where I’m headed next.

Photo by Guillaume Briard on Unsplash

In 2018 I argued that if New Year’s resolutions have never worked for you, you’re probably doing them wrong. If you don’t have time to read my case for goal-setting, I’ll simply say this.

There is power in numbers.

Also, knock it off with the hate for goals, already.

Listen, if you can’t quantify the goal, it doesn’t have much of a chance of realization. Your vague resolution to “eat better this year” didn’t work because there were no numbers attached to it, no pacing, no check-ins, and no measurement.

But quantify your goals, track your progress consistently, then take intentional steps to course-correct as you go, and your resolutions stand a much better chance of survival.

Here’s the thing. You may not achieve every annual goal you set for yourself. I certainly didn’t in 2019. I was hoping to run 156 km last year, but instead I ran 94 km.

I’m not satisfied with that result. But on the other hand, by aiming at a personal high and taking (literal) steps toward it, I had (by my all-time standards) a good running year.

I raised my bar. And even that is a win compared to aiming at nothing at all.

A Bright Future



Tim Cavey

Productivity, Technology, Stepparenting, Politics, Real Estate. Create> Consume. I talk education @TeachersOnFire.