What Is The Best Age To Make A Will?

Tim Cella
13 min readJul 3, 2024


What is the best age to make a will by Jeremy Eveland Utah Attorney

Age Considerations for Making a Will

Understanding the Significance of Making a Will at the Right Age

When it comes to estate planning, determining the best age to make a will is a crucial decision that can often be overlooked. Many people believe that writing a will is something to consider later in life. However, the reality is that it’s never too early to start planning for the future by drafting a will. The decision of when to make a will is highly individual and depends on various factors, including personal circumstances, assets, and family dynamics.

Early Adulthood and Making a Will

In early adulthood, the thought of making a will may not be a top priority for many individuals. However, as soon as individuals start accumulating assets or have dependents, considering a will becomes essential. Even at a young age, having a will in place can provide peace of mind and ensure that your wishes are carried out in the event of the unexpected.

Middle Age and Estate Planning

As individuals progress into their middle age, they often have more significant assets, such as a home, retirement savings, or investments. This stage of life is a critical time to review or create a will if one does not already exist. Middle age is typically when individuals have dependents who rely on them financially, making it even more important to have a plan in place for their care and security.

The Golden Years and Legacy Planning

In the golden years of life, having a will in place becomes crucial for ensuring that your assets are distributed according to your wishes. This stage is also an opportunity to review and update an existing will to reflect any changes in assets, beneficiaries, or other important factors. Legacy planning becomes a significant consideration, including charitable giving, family heirlooms, and ensuring financial stability for future generations.

Key Factors to Consider When Making a Will

Regardless of age, several key factors should influence the decision to make a will:

  • Assets: The value and type of assets you own play a significant role in determining when to make a will.
  • Dependents: If you have dependents, planning for their care and financial security is paramount.
  • Health: Your health status can impact your decision-making ability, making it important to plan for incapacity.
  • Family Dynamics: Complex family structures or relationships may require careful consideration in your will.
  • Tax Implications: Understanding the tax consequences of your estate can help optimize your will for efficiency.

The best age to make a will is not a one-size-fits-all answer. It is essential to consider your individual circumstances, assets, and family dynamics when deciding when to create or update a will. Starting the estate planning process early, reviewing your will regularly, and seeking professional guidance can help ensure that your wishes are carried out effectively and your loved ones are provided for. Remember, it’s never too early to make a will, but it can be too late.

Key considerations when creating a will

When it comes to creating a will, there are several key considerations to keep in mind to ensure that your wishes are clearly outlined and legally binding. Making a will is a crucial step in estate planning, regardless of age or financial status. By addressing important aspects when creating a will, you can avoid potential disputes and provide for your loved ones in the future. Here are some essential factors to consider when making a will.

Importance of Making a Will at the Right Age

Creating a will is not limited to a specific age group; however, it is essential to start thinking about it as soon as you have assets to distribute. While many people associate will-making with older individuals, it is advisable to have a will in place once you become an adult and acquire property or assets. Waiting until later in life may lead to unexpected circumstances where your wishes are not clearly expressed or legally documented.

Choosing the Right Time to Make a Will

The best age to make a will varies for each individual based on their personal circumstances. As a general guideline, it is recommended to create a will in your early adult years, especially after significant life events such as marriage, the birth of children, or acquiring property. Regularly reviewing and updating your will is also crucial to reflect any changes in your assets or beneficiaries.

Considerations for Young Adults

Young adults often overlook the importance of making a will due to their age or perceived lack of significant assets. However, even at a young age, having a will can provide clarity on how your belongings should be distributed in the event of unforeseen circumstances. Young adults should consider appointing a trusted individual as an executor and clearly outline their wishes regarding assets, investments, and personal belongings.

Factors to Consider in Middle Age

In middle age, individuals typically have more substantial assets, such as a home, savings, retirement accounts, and investments. This is a critical time to review and update your will to ensure that your assets are distributed according to your wishes. Consider naming guardians for minor children, establishing trusts for their benefit, and specifying any charitable contributions you wish to make.

Making a Will in Retirement

Retirement is another significant milestone that should prompt a review of your will and estate plan. At this stage, you may want to reassess your beneficiaries, designate powers of attorney for healthcare and finances, and plan for long-term care needs. Consulting with legal and financial professionals can help you navigate complex issues related to estate taxes, probate, and asset protection.

The best age to make a will is as soon as you have assets to protect and loved ones to provide for. By carefully considering the key factors discussed above at different stages of your life, you can create a comprehensive will that reflects your wishes and safeguards your legacy. Remember that making a will is not a one-time task but an ongoing process that requires periodic review and updates to ensure its relevance and effectiveness.

Importance of updating your will regularly

The Significance of Updating Your Will Regularly

In the realm of estate planning, the importance of creating a will is universally acknowledged. However, what often gets overlooked is the necessity of regularly updating this crucial document. A will is not a one-and-done task; instead, it is a dynamic instrument that should evolve with your life circumstances. Let’s explore why updating your will regularly is paramount to ensure your final wishes are carried out effectively.

Life Events Trigger Changes

Life is a journey filled with various milestones and unexpected twists and turns. Major life events such as marriage, divorce, the birth of a child or grandchild, purchasing a new property, starting a business, or the death of a beneficiary can significantly impact how you would want your assets to be distributed. By regularly reviewing and updating your will, you can ensure that it aligns with your current intentions and reflects your present reality.

Stay Current with Legal Regulations

The legal landscape is constantly changing, with new laws and regulations being introduced regularly. These legal developments can have implications for your estate planning. By updating your will to comply with the latest legal requirements, you can prevent potential challenges and ensure that your wishes are carried out smoothly. Consulting with a legal professional to review and update your will can help you navigate any changes in legislation that may affect your estate plan.

Address Changes in Financial Circumstances

Over time, your financial situation may undergo significant changes. You may acquire new assets, investments, or business interests, or experience fluctuations in your financial status. These changes can impact how your estate is distributed and managed. By updating your will to reflect your current financial circumstances, you can safeguard your assets and provide clarity on how you wish to distribute them among your loved ones.

Prevent Disputes and Confusion

A clear and up-to-date will can help prevent potential disputes and confusion among your beneficiaries after you pass away. By clearly outlining your intentions and ensuring that your will accurately reflects your wishes, you can minimize the likelihood of disagreements and legal battles among family members. Regularly updating your will can also help address any changing dynamics or relationships within your family.

Preserve Your Legacy

Your will is not just a document outlining the distribution of your assets; it is a reflection of your values, beliefs, and the legacy you wish to leave behind. By updating your will regularly, you can ensure that your legacy is preserved in the way you envision. Whether you want to support specific charitable causes, provide for future generations, or protect sentimental assets, updating your will allows you to tailor your estate plan to embody the values that matter most to you.

Regularly updating your will is a fundamental aspect of effective estate planning. By staying proactive and reviewing your will periodically, you can adapt to life changes, comply with legal requirements, address financial shifts, prevent disputes, and ultimately preserve your legacy. Remember that updating your will is not a one-time task but a continuous process that ensures your final wishes are honored and your loved ones are provided for according to your current intentions.

Inheritance laws and implications for will-making

While it is common for people to contemplate when the best age to create a will is, it is crucial to understand that the decision should not be solely based on age. There are various factors to consider when determining the appropriate time to make a will. In this article, we will delve into the significance of inheritance laws and the implications they have on the process of will-making.

Understanding the Legal Framework

Inheritance laws vary from one jurisdiction to another, and it is essential to have a clear understanding of the legal framework that governs wills in your specific location. These laws outline how assets are distributed in the absence of a will and provide guidelines on how to draft a legally binding document.

Importance of Making a Will

Regardless of age, it is never too early to create a will. A will enables you to dictate how your assets will be distributed upon your passing, ensuring your wishes are carried out. Without a will, the distribution of assets may be subject to intestacy laws, which may not align with your preferences.

Factors to Consider

When contemplating the best age to make a will, consider significant life events such as marriage, the birth of children, or the acquisition of substantial assets. These milestones often prompt individuals to create or update their wills to reflect their current circumstances accurately.

Implications for Delaying Will-Making

Delaying the creation of a will can have detrimental consequences, as unexpected events can occur at any age. In the absence of a will, your assets may not be distributed according to your wishes, leading to potential disputes among family members and loved ones.

Seeking Legal Guidance

To ensure that your will complies with the relevant laws and accurately reflects your intentions, it is advisable to seek legal guidance from a qualified professional. Estate planning attorneys can provide valuable insights and assist you in creating a comprehensive will that addresses all your concerns.

Regular Review and Updates

Once you have created a will, it is essential to review and update it regularly to account for any changes in your circumstances. Major life events such as divorce, remarriage, or the birth of additional children may necessitate modifications to your will.

The Best Age to Make a Will

While there is no specific age that is deemed ideal for making a will, it is recommended to start the process as soon as you have assets to distribute. Whether you are a young adult entering the workforce or a retiree enjoying your golden years, having a will in place provides peace of mind and ensures that your legacy is preserved.

The decision to make a will should not be solely based on age but rather on the need to protect your assets and ensure that your wishes are honored. By understanding the inheritance laws that govern will-making and seeking legal guidance when needed, you can create a comprehensive will that safeguards your legacy for future generations.

Seeking professional help for will preparation

Seeking Professional Help for Will Preparation

Are you considering making a will but feeling overwhelmed by the complexities involved in the process? Seek not to worry, as many individuals find themselves in this same predicament. One of the most effective ways to navigate the intricate legal requirements and ensure your wishes are accurately documented is by seeking professional help for will preparation. Let’s delve into why this decision is crucial and how it can benefit you in the long run.

Understanding the Importance of Professional Assistance

Crafting a will is a significant undertaking that should not be taken lightly. The document outlines how your assets and possessions will be distributed upon your passing, making it essential to have all your wishes clearly articulated. Professional help for will preparation offers you the expertise and guidance needed to navigate the legalities involved in creating a valid will.

Ensuring Legal Compliance

One of the primary reasons to consider professional assistance for will preparation is to ensure legal compliance. Laws regarding wills vary from one jurisdiction to another and are constantly evolving. A professional with experience in estate planning stays abreast of these laws and can help you draft a will that adheres to the current legal requirements, reducing the risk of challenges or disputes in the future.

Customizing Your Will to Your Needs

Every individual’s situation is unique, and a one-size-fits-all approach to will preparation may not suffice. By consulting with a professional, you can customize your will to address your specific needs and circumstances. Whether you have complex family dynamics, own multiple properties, or wish to include charitable donations, a professional can help tailor your will to reflect your intentions accurately.

Minimizing Potential Errors

Attempting to create a will without professional guidance leaves room for errors that could render the document invalid or lead to unintended consequences. Professionals skilled in will preparation are well-versed in the nuances of estate planning and can help you avoid common pitfalls. From ensuring proper language is used to addressing all necessary components, their expertise minimizes the risk of errors in your will.

Facilitating a Smooth Probate Process

Upon your passing, your will must go through the probate process to authenticate its validity and execute your wishes. A professionally prepared will can streamline the probate process, making it easier for your loved ones to navigate. By having a comprehensive and legally sound will in place, you provide your beneficiaries with clarity and guidance during an already challenging time.

Securing Peace of Mind

Ultimately, seeking professional help for will preparation offers you peace of mind in knowing that your final wishes will be carried out as intended. By entrusting this important task to a qualified professional, you can rest assured that your estate will be managed according to your wishes, providing you and your loved ones with a sense of security for the future.

The decision to seek professional help for will preparation is a prudent choice that can save you and your loved ones from unnecessary stress and complications down the line. By enlisting the expertise of a professional in estate planning, you can ensure that your final wishes are documented accurately and legally, providing you with peace of mind for the future.

Key Takeaway:

The best age to make a will is often a topic that individuals tend to procrastinate or overlook. However, it is crucial to understand that there is no specific age that is considered the perfect time to create a will. Ideally, it is recommended to start thinking about making a will as soon as you have assets or dependents that you would like to protect and provide for after your passing.

Key considerations play a significant role in the will-making process. These include identifying your assets and beneficiaries, appointing an executor to carry out your wishes, and specifying any specific bequests or conditions. Additionally, considering potential scenarios such as incapacity and ensuring clear instructions for the distribution of your estate are essential aspects to contemplate.

Regularly updating your will is vital to ensure that it reflects your current circumstances and wishes accurately. Major life events such as marriage, divorce, the birth of children or grandchildren, acquiring new assets, or changes in beneficiaries should prompt a review of your will to guarantee its relevance and effectiveness.

Understanding inheritance laws and the implications for will-making is crucial to avoid any discrepancies or legal challenges in the distribution of your assets. Each jurisdiction may have specific laws governing wills and estates, so being aware of these regulations can help in creating a will that aligns with legal requirements.

Seeking professional help for will preparation can provide expert guidance and ensure that your will is comprehensive and legally sound. Estate planning professionals such as lawyers or financial advisors can assist in navigating complex estate laws, minimizing tax implications, and drafting a will that accurately reflects your intentions.

Making a will is a critical aspect of financial planning and ensuring that your assets are distributed according to your wishes. Regardless of age, addressing key considerations, regularly updating your will, understanding inheritance laws, and seeking professional help are essential steps in the will-making process that can offer peace of mind and security for you and your loved ones.


Inheritance laws regarding will-making can vary significantly based on your location. Consulting with legal professionals who specialize in estate planning can provide valuable guidance as they have a deep understanding of these laws and can help ensure that your will complies with all necessary regulations.

Ultimately, the best age to make a will is not solely determined by a specific number but rather by reaching significant milestones in life that involve acquiring assets, starting a family, or reaching a certain level of financial stability. Regardless of age, it is important to carefully consider key aspects such as choosing the right executor, clearly outlining beneficiaries, and specifying how assets should be distributed.

Remember that creating a will is not a one-time task. It is crucial to review and update your will regularly, especially after major life events such as marriage, divorce, birth of children, or acquisition of significant assets. By keeping your will current, you can ensure that your final wishes are accurately reflected and that your loved ones are adequately provided for.

Making a will is a vital step in estate planning that should not be delayed. By understanding the best age to make a will, considering key factors during the creation process, staying informed about inheritance laws, and seeking professional assistance when needed, you can establish a comprehensive and legally sound document that protects your assets and provides for your heirs according to your wishes. Take proactive steps today to secure your legacy and offer peace of mind for yourself and your loved ones in the future.

Jeremy Eveland
8833 S Redwood Rd
West Jordan UT 84088
(801) 613–1472

