Considerations when choosing a boarding school for your teen

White River Academy
2 min readApr 1, 2015


Choosing where your teen will be educated is a very important decision that will have long-term repercussions on their life. Education affects all aspects of their development, including mental and social health that will be useful for their adult years.

You may wonder why you should opt for a boarding school for your teen. If you can’t afford a private school, there are U.S. boarding schools that are also an ideal and more affordable option.

If your adolescent has a behavioral health or mental health disorder, boarding schools which specialize in educating teens with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and other disorders focus on academic excellence, rehabilitation and a healthy outdoor lifestyle while providing therapy for various conditions.

Benefits of a therapeutic boarding school for boys

Choosing a boarding school for boys provides them an opportunity to develop social skills as they transition into adulthood and learn life skills with teens their own age. Academic standards are set and excellence is encouraged to benefit their future goals and overall well-being.

Schools for troubled boys can help a child experiencing a defiant stage learn to formulate his or her own opinions while still being respectful to adults. Defiant behavior is also particularly common during this age period when adolescents and teens are testing their limits. Older children and teens with a behavioral disorder such as ADHD may benefit from a therapeutic boarding school. Behavioral disorders are addressed during counseling and other therapies.

Academic standards

Instructors in boarding schools do more than just teach children the required curriculum. They assist them in building the foundation for their futures in terms of social and mental health. With fewer children in a classroom, instructors have more time for individual student-to-teacher attention and to address other academic needs.

Much like other middle schools or high schools that are allowed breaks between semesters, adolescents at boarding also follow the same academic year structure. Although it is difficult to be separated from your teen for an extended period of time, much like it will be for them too, most boarding schools allow teens to go home for holiday breaks. Parental or guardian visitation is also allowed at most schools, but guidelines can vary.

Off-site outings and other activities

In addition to a good education and counseling, boys learn the importance of responsibility, moral character traits, accountability, self-esteem and self-worth. There are plenty of sports options and fun, outdoor activities. The camaraderie of boys of a similar age usually spurs healthy competition in athletics and other areas.

Some therapeutic boarding schools are involved in their local community by participating in volunteer work.

Researching different therapeutic boarding schools is highly recommended; contact the school of interest to ask for more information and a tour of the facility. Getting an in-person view of the schedules, curriculum, therapy and grounds will help parents make a concrete decision on whether or not a boarding school is the right choice for their teen.

