Top 7 Foods To Fight off Cold/Flu Season

Candace Wagner
3 min readNov 8, 2019


Wow, snow already! Who was expecting that? I love winter, but not the cold and flu season that comes with it. Each year I’ve been collecting more tips and tricks to help fight off colds and the flu, so this year, I thought I’d share with the Supperworks Waterloo community!

Before we get to my list of top 6 foods to boost your immune system this cold and flu season, I want to remind you all about our Meals for One at Supperworks! We know the last thing you want to do when you’re sick is cook, that’s why these meals are great for cold and flu season! Just pop them in the microwave and you’ll have a delicious and nutritious meal in minutes. Stop by at Supperworks Waterloo and stock up!

Okay, now let’s get to the good stuff. Here are my top 7 Foods to Boost Your Immune System this Cold/Flu Season!

Citrus Fruits — Don’t rely completely on citrus fruits to cure your cold, but they definitely help! The soft white layer of skin found on oranges, lemons, grapefruits and limes contain flavonoids, which can help boost the immune system and speed up your recovery!

Smoothies — Green Smoothies are great to have each day, but especially leading into cold and flu season. When making your smoothies, be sure to add some dark greens! The darker the greens, the higher the nutrient content. Choose spinach, arugula or kale instead of iceberg lettuce. Add some blueberries to get those antioxidants too!

Carrots & Sweet Potatoes — I knew carrots were good for you, but not this good! Orange vegetables like carrots and sweet potatoes are known to be rich in beta-carotene. By eating these foods, our bodies convert the beta-carotene into vitamin A, which is crucial for maintaining a strong immune system.

Fish — Eat your fish, they’re full of omega-3 fatty acids!! By eating tuna and salmon, you’ll be reducing harmful inflammation in the body that prevents your immune system from working properly and making you more susceptible to developing a cold, the flu or something more serious.

Fennel — Fennel is a natural expectorant! Clear your chest congestion or soothe your cough by adding these seeds to your fresh salads or cooking!

Garlic — If you needed another reason to love garlic, here it is. Raw or cooked, garlic contains allicin, a sulphuric compound that produces antioxidants! It also acts as a natural antibiotic that can help you stop coughing!

Dark Chocolate — Treat yourself and your cold! Pure cocoa actually contains more disease-fighting antioxidants known as polyphenols than most berries. So have a little dark chocolate here and there and boost that immune system!

I hope these tips help you prepare for cold and flu season! I believe that you are what you eat, so I’d advise you to definitely add these superfoods to your diet this winter! I’d love to hear some of your own tips and tricks to fight off a cold or flu! Leave them in the comments!




Candace Wagner

Quick, healthy meals for you and your family. Helping busy people take the work out of supper in Kitchener-Waterloo!