Character Sheet: John Jones

Timeless Order
3 min readAug 25, 2021


Hey! Welcome. Today, we’ll be telling the story of the Island’s most iconic character: John Jones, also known as Jonesy.

John Jones was once a highly decorated Agent of the Imagined Order. During the events of the Zero Crisis (Chapter 2, Season 6), he betrayed the organization to stabilize the Zero Point.

Now trapped in the Loop, his current status is unknown.


Eternal lives, eternal memories.

Jones has entered the Loop countless times to do assignments given to him by the Order, the most recent being the gathering of the best Hunters from all Realities (Chapter 2, Season 5) — to distract those wanting to escape the Loop.

From dinosaur extraordinaire, to forest scout, and even Halloween costumes, he’s had hundreds of Snapshots created in his image. Always interacting with Loopers with kindness, he’s found family on the Island.

Some of the most iconic outfits he’s worn can be found on the Bridge’s Sleeping Quarters.

He could’ve used them to avoid detection from Loopers familiar with him, or simply to pretend he’s someone else.

You can also find several awards given to him by the IO for his excellence in the field, all displayed in glass cases.

His pet dog Bonesy lies on the couch, too. Adorable.

Bunker Days

Quite the diet for clairvoyance.

One specific Snapshot of Jones went through plenty.

When the Volcano erupted (Chapter 1, Season 8), he was forced into a bunker alongside his friend: Peely. However, as the years went by and food became scarce, Jones had only one alternative — sacrifice his friend to survive.

Surprisingly, not only was the potassium enough to keep him sustained, but Peely also managed to survive in smoothie form!

Isn’t he the cutest?

The years spent within the bunker — theorizing about the true nature of the Island and his past memories — left Jones distrustful to those outside. When he’s finally saved to see the Island recovered from the eruption, he was forever changed.

He’s quickly taken by what we assume to be the IO for further analysis. Somehow, Jones has managed to predict the future battle of the Island, trying to warn those who watch him.

Although his warnings were ignored, Bunker Jonesy continues to roam the Island, acting as a herald to Reality Zero’s future — and a ghost of Jones.

The Present

Lost to the depths of the Loop.

With Jones’ call for help to the Seven in stabilizing the Zero Point, he also stole files regarding the faction from the IO. They’re scrambling to find their footing on these mysterious beings, delaying any possible plans against them.

Left above his bed are pictures of his memories throughout time and space. Even though he betrayed the IO for a good cause, we’re left to wonder if he misses this bureaucratic life.

If you’d like to add anything to this article, send us a DM on our Twitter! We’ll consider your suggestion, and edit the post accordingly.

Thank you for reading! See you in the Loop.

Credit to Brucetheblob on Twitter for the incredible images!



Timeless Order

A collaborative effort to organize Fortnite’s story. Portions of the materials used are trademarks and/or copyrighted works of Epic Games, Inc.