Season Recap: Chapter 1, Season 6

Timeless Order
3 min readSep 5, 2021


Hey! Welcome. Today, we’ll be recapitulating the events of the Floating Island in Chapter 1, Season 6.

The Cube has been overloaded from the previous season, rising from the ground after absorbing the Zero Point’s energy.

The Floating Island

Above the Vault — which contains the Zero Point — was a small lake, and a house in the middle. After levitating, the Cube turns that into debris and brings it onto a floating island, slowly spreading its form within the house.

Trajectory Unknown

The Vault is left open, although a wind vortex prevents Loopers from entering it and interacting with the Zero Point.

The Cube’s trajectory? All of the places victim to it: the Rune Sites. It’s unknown why they were made in the first place, but it’s clear the Cube needed that energy back.

The Rune Sites’ zero-gravity properties have faded, however what remained was sinister. A slice of the Cube’s source — the Storm dimension — brought directly onto our Island. Consumable “Shadow Stones” found on these areas turned Loopers into specters.

The Cube’s terraformed runes

Horde of Fiends

As the Cube went around the Island, its corruption spread further. Obelisks were made, which spawned terrifying creatures — only known as Fiends.

Loading Screen showing Calamity and Deadfire fighting the Fiends

These creatures attacked everyone around them, lacking any ability of communication or empathy. They only had one goal: Bring the Cube’s corruption to everything.

The people of the Island were brought together to fight against this threat, successfully destroying enough Fiends and Obelisks to weaken the Cube’s hold on Reality Zero.

Darkness Falls

Loading Screen showing Calamity leading the Island against the Cube

After absorbing the runes, the floating island returns to Loot Lake. It drips down a liquid which can only be described as a type of Nectar, presumably directly into the Zero Point.

As its power is weakened thanks to the Loopers, it can’t contain the energy within any longer. Spinning at incredible speed, the Cube explodes. Then, after its collapse, we’re brought to the In-Between — and saved from it by our guardian Butterfly.

What remains of the inter-dimensional threat is a beautiful, gleaming monument of its defeat. The floating island’s pieces cover the exposed Vault, as it closes underneath the surface.

Loading Screen showing Calamity and Deadfire admiring the new lake’s flowers, while AIM observes in the background

And in the distance… the Island’s most daunting threat yet, arrives. Chapter 1, Season 7 begins.

If you’d like to add anything to this article, send us a DM on our Twitter! We’ll consider your suggestion, and edit the post accordingly.

Thank you for reading! See you in the Loop.



Timeless Order

A collaborative effort to organize Fortnite’s story. Portions of the materials used are trademarks and/or copyrighted works of Epic Games, Inc.