The Basics: Dimensions

Timeless Order
3 min readJul 30, 2021


Hey! Welcome. Today, we’ll be discussing how to name all the kinds of spaces — physical or metaphysical — where Fortnite’s stories are told.

Keep in mind, while some of these concepts are based on accurate science, others are mere theories — or fiction. Don’t take this article as scientific proof!

The Concept

  • A Universe is a recipe using dimensions as its ingredients.
  • Dimensions can’t be contained, as they usually aren’t physical places — just endless realms of energy that compose what we see before us.
  • A Multiverse is a collection of universes. Infinite possibilities and variants.
  • A Reality contains a multiverse.
  • The Omniverse is the collection of everything.

All universes are the union of dimensions, which create the space-time continuum — that’s how realities, and all of existence is born. Imagine several layers of fabric, pinned by a single needle.

We’re three-dimensional beings, with Time being the fourth dimension. However, since we only flow through it, we can’t be considered fourth-dimensional.

Here’s an easier explanation, created by Nautilus.

The first figure shows 2 one-dimensional points connecting, to form a two-dimensional object. As the images go on, their dimensions are increased until the last object — which can be described as fourth-dimensional.

All fourth-dimensional objects don’t have any temporal limits. They are the past, present, and future of themselves.

We know this might sound complicated, but the more you think about it, the more it makes sense. Or maybe we’re becoming too close to Bunker Jonesy.

Reality Zero

When Thor called upon the Marvel Multiverse’s greatest heroes (Chapter 2, Season 4), he mentioned saving “all Reality” — referring to the Island’s entire realm.

The Island’s reality has been named “Reality Zero”, referring to its position as center — or first — of every single Multiverse in existence. The Island itself was crafted out of “inter-dimensional matter collisions”, meaning matter from universes all leaking into a single place, where chaos is born.

The reason for this strong attraction of matter to the Island seems to be the Zero Point itself. However, to entities within that reality, there is no such gravitational pull.

Ground Zero

Season X Loading Screen of the Durr Burger in Ground Zero

“Ground Zero” is what we like to call our reality. The name being a reference to how Fortnite was made right here, on Earth.

The times this reality has been referenced by the Island’s story are few, the most important one being Drift’s introduction.

However, we thought it was worth referencing as it’s one of infinite realities that can be accessed through the Zero Point, giving you a scope of the possible infinitude of what lies ahead.

There are certain dimensions — such as the Storm — that possess physical manifestations of itself. We’ll address those on separate posts, as each are case-specific to how they were created, and what they influence.

If you’d like to add anything to this article, send us a DM on our Twitter! We’ll consider your suggestion, and edit the post accordingly.

Thank you for reading! See you in the Loop.



Timeless Order

A collaborative effort to organize Fortnite’s story. Portions of the materials used are trademarks and/or copyrighted works of Epic Games, Inc.