Difference Between Radio and Television Advertising


Advertising has vastly grown continuously over the past years from traditional roles such as newspapers, to more modern approaches such as social media UK, all over the world. With tv advertising you can pick from many options on how to showcase your product(s) or service(s) depending on your budget, presentation and target market. Even though modern approaches to advertising are increasing in 2019, radio and television advertising are still great and demanding options for many businesses and brands across the world.

Radio advertising:

In this day of age, radio advertising can be easily dismissed amongst some people with the increase in internet advertising businesses assume that they can connect better with their customers through other channels. However, many people are still in tune with the radio and depending on your target market your ad can be consumed by the right ear… Such as there is a huge percentage of working people who choose to live on the outskirts of big cities, such as London and commute every morning therefore a popular entertainment on their journey is listening to the radio.

Radio Advertising UK, London and Other Country works in a particular way, where business would purchase ‘spots’ in airtime and their ad would be broadcasted across the channel. Radio advertising falls into a few categories such as ‘live read’, where usually a famous or popular airhost would read out the advertisement in an exciting and more realistic way. Another is ‘sponsorship’, where your ad would be broadcasted in tune to different radio segments such as weather or traffic. Lastly, there is another option call ‘produced spot’, which involves your ad becoming into a jingle providing a more entertaining and catchy approach to your listeners.

Television advertising:

Since television began its global empire, it has been a popular source of advertising for years and still is. There are many channels and categories of shows in television such as kids shows, sports, home and cooking, arts and many more. With a huge range of categories you have the potential to customise your ad to a specific channel that will suit your target audience for instance, if you are advertising a type of toy or promoting a theme park then your best pick is to place your ad in the kids channel like ‘Nickelodeon’ or ‘Disney channel’ as you are more likely to obtain interest for that specific market. In addition, with huge fans gathering to watch major sports shows such as the ‘Olympics’ on the big screen you have the opportunity to embark your ad onto millions and different types of viewers.

The key differences:

Television Advertising is more suitable for a visual type of ad, such as a fashion clothing or beauty brand promoting a new lipstick or new season of clothing. Whereas radio advertising is more informational based, for instance a law firm or car insurance company.

Radio advertising is much less expensive and best ideal for small or local business as you can pay less for more ‘spots’. On the other hand, TV Commercials Services is much more expensive, partially because it’s a visual and requires more equipment and crew. It also more ideal for bigger and well-established companies.

With television advertising you can get away with your ad being played and watched at any time of day as it’s international and people tend to watch tv at all sorts of hours. But with radio television your ideal time to advertise is in the prime time of the morning, where everyone is getting ready or on their way to work or to drop the kids off to school, so you would have to make sure you are being broadcasted in the prime time.



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