Genie Script Reviews: The 20-Second Genie Script for a Life of Abundance & Wealth

Time of News
8 min readOct 4, 2023


Do you feel as if you’re in the middle of nowhere in your life while everyone else around you appears to be enjoying great success? Do you feel like you’ve got something to contribute to the world but you’re unable to figure out what you’re supposed to do to achieve success to you?

Are you constantly being told they’re clever and you’re asking why you’re still not wealthy?

It’s really not the fault of you. There are some people who have advantages in comparison to others. We are conditioned by society to believe that we are able to do everything. The elites, however, prefer to consider us a slave to the mediocre, pushing our economy while we witness our living standards of living and purchasing power decrease.

Millions of dollars are made in bonds, stocks, and other business transactions while everyone else is fighting for small amounts of money. It’s a shame and would like to take action. But what do you do?

Do you really have time? Begin with your Genie Script journey today!

Why Are So Many People in a Mindset of Scarcity in 2023?

You’re certainly not alone in these thoughts. Many millions of Americans are awakening to the reality that there’s a huge club of famous and powerful individuals, but they’re not in the club. The membership is invitation-only and we’re being left out.

How can these elites keep their status and riches? What’s their secret of greatness?

They are titans and captains of the business we’re discussing. What can they learn more than we do? There is a unifying thread among the successful individuals that we could learn to make use of.

Unlock the Secrets of the Genie Script — Leverage a Legacy of Abundance

It is believed that the Genie Script is the secret to unlocking the potential of prosperity in every aspect of your existence. It’s a total accident that the Genie Code was discovered and freed from the grasp of force. Wesley Virgin is a husband and father of Texas who came on The Genie Code by accident.

Wesley was engaged in private security contracts over the years, working alongside his associates to serve and defend the rights the interests of some of the strongest people in this world.

In the evening, while conversing with a college friend who was finished with his work, he was informed about what he later would refer to as” the “Genie Script.” His acquaintance said that while in the midst of the area of security of high-ranking officers, they began singing something for about 20 seconds before stopping and then repeating the chant. This continued for nearly thirty minutes.

Wesley was able to learn that his friend heard the elites discussing the chant among themselves and told them that this was their secret weapon to power and wealth.

Wesley was captivated and embarked in search of the mystery of the Genie Script. The search for answers led Wesley to talk with celebrities and important business leaders who all shared that they had the same information regarding the script they were hearing his friend talk about the fateful night.

In the course of several years of study, Wesley believes he’s uncovered the method employed by elites to draw wealth and success into their lives. He is calling it “The Genie Script.”

Do you really have time? Begin with your Genie Script journey today!

Live a new life with the power of the Genie script

The Genie Script is available to you. This is the answer that you’ve been looking for to create more wealth in your life. What does it really mean? What’s abundant and what is the reason you require an attitude of abundance to be able to profit from The Genie Script?

Our culture is conditioned to believe that there’s a dearth of everything in the world. If you were raised in the middle class likely have heard your parents say, “I can’t afford it,” numerous times as you tried to pay for something you thought would be unnecessary.

It’s what we’re discussing. There’s plenty of wealth and opportunities for to everyone have a share. It is our responsibility to learn how we can create a favorable image to get what we desire.

When you learn the techniques to bring abundance into your daily life, you begin taking the right direction, away from the plight of scarcity, and toward the abundance and prosperity you desire.

If your attitude shifts, so will every other aspect of the world. It is apparent that you are open to possibilities each day Then, all of a sudden your money spigot is turned up, making you more richer than you could have ever imagined.

Get the possibility of success! Buy the Genie today for only $37!

Commit to the Genie Script — An Investment in Prosperity

The Genie Script is a simple 20-second mantra that you repeat each day to yourself whenever you want. The more times you say this mantra, the deeper phrases in the script are absorbed into your brain and prepare you for an existence of abundant wealth.

This is all it takes: just 20 seconds per day. But, if you decide to take on following the Genie Script today, you’ll be able to get more than an outline. Wesley created a whole program based on the concepts that are taught by Genie Script. Genie Script.

There are four modules included in the software, for the total cost of around $1,500. Wesley spent more than $7,000 in research and study of The Genie Script; you get it for less than a tenth of the price.

This is everything you get when you sign up for this Genie Script today.

#1: The Genie Script 20-word manifestation script ($7,000 Retail Value)

The script that we’ve been discussing is the foundation of the program. The script will be played regularly, every day as feasible. The script is available immediately via digital download. This means you are able to start listening at any time.

#2 The Subconscious Mind Rapid Rewrite Training Module ($597 Retail Value)

The unconscious mind is the key to unlock the mysteries of the Genie Script. The unconscious is constantly working in the background taking note of every action we take even when we are asleep. Through harnessing the potential of your subconscious mind and empowering it, you can begin creating prosperity in every aspect of your life. Find the right words to help you to empower your mind and experiences in life.

3. 3 Brainwave Mastery Training module ($697 Retail Value)

Everything in the universe is vibrating with a certain frequency. Find out the frequency of your brainwaves, and learn how you can manipulate them in order to increase your experience in life and achieve your objectives. Be positive and focused in the world, and energized and motivated to push yourself beyond your maximum every single day.

#4 Wealth Visuals Hacks Inside of the Genie Script ($197 Retail Value)

Visualization is an essential element of manifesting. Being able to see a clear and vivid visual of your goals in your brain will give your subconscious something to work on. Find out how to visualize the things you want and then seed feelings into your vision for a more significant impact. Know the law of Attraction to bring prosperity into your daily life.

Get the Genie script and start your transformation right now!

Commit to Mastering the Genie Script and Qualifying for Free Bonuses!

It is said that the Genie Script is a course in the abundance of wealth and prosperity however, you’ll need to do more to increase your awareness and unleash the potential of your unconscious mind. If you decide to learn this Genie Script, you get the opportunity to gain additional bonuses that will increase your chances of success and make maximum benefit of the main functions in the primary program.

Accelerated “I Want This Now” Manifestation Kit (Retail Value $3,997)

Bonus #1 — Magical Scripting Journal Kit

The following scripts will help you manifest the things you want.

Bonus #2–17 Oil Pheromone Lovers Kit

Apply essential oils strategically onto your body to attract an attractive lover.

Bonus #3 — Sage Poverty Cleansing Kit

Get rid of the negative juju keeping you from meeting your objectives.

Bonus #4 — The Abundance Checks Kit

Make use of the Law of Attraction to bring the cash to you.

Bonus #5 — The Exotic Vacation Manifesting Kit

Imagine your dream trip to any place to help you improve your personal.

Bonus #6 — The Subliminal Mind Hack Kit

Learn to train your brain while you rest.

Bonus #7 — High Vibrational Food List

Develop recipes to eat foods that boost your energy and vibrance.

Bonus #8 — Secret Chakra Hacks

Restore your chakras the flow of energy and eliminate obstructions with no need for meditation.

Bonus #9 — Supernatural Wealth Frequencies (Retail Value $197)

Make your focus on how to succeed with strategies for wealth that bring in money.

Bonus #10 — The Body Stimulating Formula (Retail Value $197)

Find out how to make your hormone system work for you and boost the production of neurotransmitters, such as dopamine or serotonin whenever you require them.

Bonus #11 — A Millionaire’s Morning Ritual (Retail Value $197)

Learn about the everyday routines of successful individuals and learn from the way they do it.

Do not miss out on these bonus offers!

Get a Risk-Free Trial of the Genie Script

The possibilities that the Genie Script holds for you. Through the information in this course, and with the bonus materials, you will have all the information you require to make a change and get yourself on the path to successful outcomes.

The people have paid Wesley thousands of consulting fees in order to teach people how to use the Genie Script. In the present, Wesley wants to spread this knowledge in a mystical way across the globe, without having to charge individuals a penny.

Access the Genie Script right now by pressing the buy button. On this day, you can buy all the benefits of the Genie Script course and all the bonus materials for just $37.

Then why is it so pricey Why is it so expensive, you might ask?

Wesley is the reason. Wesley isn’t in need of your cash Wesley wants to prove his point that the Genie Script is the real thing.

But, it must have something of value to this deal to be able to function in an equilibrium of energy in all of the Universe. Offering it to you for no cost would convince people that this program holds zero value. This is obviously not the situation.

That’s what’s the cost of one week’s worth of coffee at Starbucks the customer has access to the Genie Script program. You also have a 365-day refund assurance, meaning that in the event that you’re not completely satisfied with Genie Script, you can return it for a full refund. Genie Script, you can return your money without asking questions. If you have questions about refund policies or any other matter related to the refund policy, contact Customer Service for more details.

Get the Genie script and start your transformation right now!



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