Timeswap V2 Testnet User Guide 🤌🏻⌛️

Published in
4 min readDec 27, 2022

Timeswap is the first fully decentralized lending/borrowing protocol in DeFi using a three-variable AMM enabling fixed-maturity, oracle-less lending & borrowing in a completely self-sufficient manner. Like Uniswap, but for lending & borrowing.

V1 has been live on Polygon mainnet since March 2022 & chugging along well despite volatility & crashes in the ecosystem with over $5 Mn in total app activity.

The team’s been working on V2 for the past 6 months, figuring out ways to make the base more capital efficient, and after all the work — we’re confident of boosting capital productivity by 5x in V2 🫡

In simple English, 5x more bang for your buck than earlier 🤑

For the curious ones, here’s a high-level overview of how we enable that — https://medium.com/timeswap/introducing-timeswap-v2-9ac962c048e6

Transition price?

It’s the price that an LP (liquidity provider) sets as an expected price for the underlying asset at maturity (while creating the pool) & remains fixed throughout duration of the pool

Price of the underlying asset in terms of collateral

Now you’re all set to swap tokens through time!


  • Bidirectional pools: On Timeswap V2, you’ll have the flexibility to lend either TG-MATIC or TG-USDC in the same pool.
  • There are different risks while lending different tokens.
Bidirectionality ftw 🤝
  1. Opening position -

You can lend either token, though pool parameters will differ for each because of different risk exposure.

E.g., Lending TG-USDC accrues 11.98% APR & comes with 124.5% insurance protection.

Parameters for lending TG-USDC

Whereas TG-MATIC accrues 12,109.97% & insurance protection of 99.95%. These numbers are highly risky, and lenders will earn APR only if borrowers repay.

Parameters for lending TG-MATIC

Dapp will also show a warning for the same -

  1. Dashboard:

Here, you can check your positions -

2 Lending txs = 1 position active

After lending 1000 TG-USDC & 1000 TG-MATIC

  • V2 enables lenders to exit the pool before maturity by clicking Approve and Close
  • You can lend more by clicking Lend More option.
Amount at maturity expressed either in MATIC or USDC

Note: Dashboard shows your total lend positions in terms of both directions/states expected at maturity; therefore, you can see the total TG-USDC to be received at maturity in the form of TG-MATIC or TG-USDC.

Closing positions:

Position can be closed anytime by clicking close position; it’ll be a two-click process: i) approve ii) close

  • Users have the choice to redeem the entire deposit either in TG-MATIC or TG-USDC.

Redeeming 2,177 TG-MATIC as shown in the dashboard below!

Or, redeeming 1,772 TG-USDC instead of TG-MATIC. This is made possible by swapping USDC on a DEX).

Note: Since positions in V2 are represented using the ERC-1155 token standard while closing the lend position, the dapp will ask for permission to burn your NFT & redeem the deposited amount — so you can safely click confirm.

Confirm & close position!


Similar to lending, you can borrow any token in the pool by locking the other token as collateral & pool parameters will be different for borrowing TG-USDC & borrowing TG-MATIC!

Bidirectionality ftw 🤝
  1. Opening positions

Let’s borrow 1000 TG-USDC & 1000 TG-MATIC, respectively

Have to repay 1,000 TG-USDC & lock 1,619 TG-MATIC
Have to repay 1,245 TG-MATIC & lock 769.77 USDC

2. Dashboard

Borrow dashboard looks like:

2 borrow transactions = 2 active positions

3. Closing positions/repayment

  • You’re already familiar with closing borrow positions before maturity, plus the dashboard breaks up debt in terms of TG-USDC & TG-MATIC, giving separate & clear information.
  • You can repay any of the positions (TG-USD/TG-MATIC) you want. One can always click on the Borrow More option to borrow more assets.
  • Similar to lending, closing borrow positions/repayment will be a two-click process: i) approve ii) repay

Note: Since positions in V2 are represented using the ERC-1155 token standard while repaying debt dapp will ask for permission to burn your NFT & unlock collateral — click confirm to safely unlock & withdraw your collateral.

Confirm & repay!

⏳ That’s it, happy Time Traveling! ⏳

