Terminal Guide

3 min readJan 30, 2024


Game and points

Every day, you have a certain number of games. The maximum points you can earn in one game is 100.


In the top right corner, there is a Hack button that can influence your game.

What’s inside:

  1. Automatic loss;
  2. Add an extra attempt;
  3. Deduct 1 attempt;
  4. +50% points;
  5. -50% points;

How to Play

  1. We always have N number of words.
  2. Only one word is correct!
  3. You have 4 attempts to guess:
    1st attempt — 100 points.
    2nd attempt — 75 points.
    3rd attempt — 50 points.
    4th attempt — 25 points.
    5th attempt — lose.

First Steps

  1. Choose the first word.
  2. If you guessed correctly, you get your 100 points and move on to the next game.
  3. If you guessed wrong, you’ll see a message next to the word:
    S — the number of letters in the words.
    X — the number of letters standing in their places, just like in the correct word.

As you may have noticed, we chose a word but didn’t guess it on the first try. But we have 1 match out of 10.


Now you see that you have 6 words, and the first word has 1 match with the answer.

Now you need to filter out all the words that have no matches with the word REMEMBERED.

  1. You have 6 words.
  2. You need only one of these words.
  3. You have 3 attempts left.

After finding similar letters in other words, you have 2 words where the letters don’t intersect.

APOCALYPSE (no matches)
GLADIATORS (no matches)

Now you have 4 words left:

Now you see that there are matches with the word REMEMBERED in the remaining words.

DETERMINED — 4 matches.
ENVISIONED — 2 matches.
BOBBLEHEAD — 1 match.

Since there is only 1 match with the answer in the word REMEMBERED, in our case, the word BOBBLEHEAD fits perfect because there is only 1 matching letter.

As you can see, by the process of elimination, we were able to guess the correct word on the second attempt and earn 75 points.

Our Socials

Website: https://0xterminal.game/
Twitter TimeTo: https://twitter.com/NFTTTC
Twitter Terminal: https://twitter.com/TimeToTerminal
Telegram CIS: https://t.me/terminal_CIS
Medium: https://medium.com/@timetoterminal




$Terminal is an intellectual game where users must decrypt a word through logical deduction.