Laid Off at My First Engineer Job

Tim Han
5 min readApr 18, 2020

Before I begin to talk about my experiences regarding my first layoff as an engineer, I just want to say that this event wasn’t rooted from the pandemic. Nevertheless, I learned a lot from this experience and wanted to share with vast majority of the new developers who will end up working for a lot of the small companies (even smaller than mine).

On a Friday, I went into the office like usual and as soon as I set down, my manager asked me if I had some time. She led me to a meeting room where I saw the VP and the HR person. By this time, I already knew what was going on. There were other clues that something like this could happen:

  1. Some of the employees from other departments were already laid off from the day before
  2. I noticed unusual meetings between the engineering managers, VP, and HR by the name “Sync”

When I sat down, I was very briefly (probably one of two sentences) explained on why the decision was made which was due to the extension of financial struggles of the company as well as shift in the business making the work I was doing not as essential. In my honest opinion, I probably deserved a little bit more than a couple of sentences and the time to say proper farewell to my teammates especially working at the company for about 2 years. However, I knew that my company has done this to a lot more…

