Timieri Kalaku
2 min readApr 24, 2018

Digital marketing Experience.

My digital marketing experience i must say, it has been awesome, educative, informative, creative and challenging.

It’s an experience that introduced me to another level of internet usage. We know people log into the internet for different purposes, some are there just to post pictures and thoughts on social media platforms, so uses the internet to get information, some uses the internet as a means to kill time by visiting websites on fashion, music, daily news, sports, foods and also to follow up television series, but since i started attending classes on digital marketing, a new window opened up to me, i now see the internet as an opportunity to make the internet my business, it was like a revelation.

Now i see more reasons to be online more often, because in the process of being online, i make money through the services i can offer to other businesses by giving them online presence, by representing their brands online. I got to see marketing from the digital perspective, how value proposition is what to sell before the actual products, how important to get the attention of possible leads in 15 seconds with good contents and infographics. For me, digital marketing has changed my internet experience for the best, and i must commend the class instructors Mr. Pascal Okeke, and Mr. Harry Porbeni, they really do put in their very best techniques and tactics in making sure that we get the point to the dot.

I’d like to inform you also that i have got my first client. The job is to brand a new fashion house in Yenagoa, we already have a meeting scheduled for the weekend. Wish me well. *Smileyface*