How Does Good Fall To The Dark?

The Lion's Pen
3 min readJul 8, 2022


Source From Author

Do not be deceived: “Bad company corrupts good morals.”
1 Corinthians 15:33

How does good become bad?

Is it a series of bad decisions that slowly pervert morality until they can no longer tell good from bad? Is it good people being put in a series of bad situations with no good outcomes until the bad decisions end up being second nature? Is it someone good having bad things put upon them without any choice in the matter?

Is it just mankind letting go of their learned nature and accepting the evil nature that we truly are? Or is it mankind letting go of their good nature and accepting the evil of the world?

Is it one of the things? Is it all of them?

Stupid question, it is all of them. Everyone had a different breaking point and a different tolerance level and all of that. This means that every single person has something that will a different set of circumstances that can take them and corrupt them.

There are certain things that are universal when it comes to corruption. “Absolute power, corrupts absolutely.” Is a general quote for a reason. This puts into the world the idea that when someone has completely unchecked power, the thing that stops them from becoming a dictator is their own moral standing…moral standing that is not always the strongest or the best no matter who you are or what you believe.

When things are hard and you know a quick way to fix the problem that isn’t the best thing to do and you do it saving people, that is good. Right? Yeah of course. Then they do it again and again and again and it gets easier each time. Some people can stop before they step on the wrong path and others can stop when what is needed to be done is done. Then there are the ones that lose it the ones that indulge themselves in what they could get and take more and more.

Another thing that one should always look at when it comes going from good to bad is the point of no return of course. A point where the good is no more and the bad is all that there is. When the corruption has fully seeped in and the people will begin to truly suffer for the comfort of their new overlord.

Like when it comes to what turns people bad, the point of no return is different from person to person and the trick is that the point is not determined by the one who moves, but those who see them moving.

Unfortunately, when these people reach this point, and they accept that they are bad people and don’t turn back…things can go bad. Afterall, if you know you’re a bad person that knows that you are a bad person why would they want to turn back. When people reach that point that is when things turn really bad because they might no longer feel the need to pretend to be good anymore.

In the end it is a tragic thing when good turns to bad and we should always strive to remain good, or the world could become a worse place.



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