Ain’t I A Christian?

Timil Jones
2 min readSep 7, 2016
Black Women, Dressed in White, Clapping during Praise and Worship

When I was younger, I actually remember feeling anxious when I sat near the front of church during worship. I think my heart rate went up even sitting near the second row of pews, because it was just too close to the forbidden front pew. Forbidden by whom? Sure that first row of pews would mainly be reserved for those serving during worship, but at times a whole row would be empty and there would always be a row of women sitting just behind it. This was a visible and tangible manifestation of what was expected of women in the church.

As a woman I was made in the image of GOD, and not in the image of man. What this means for me is I am an equal partner in God’s kingdom and creation. I am given authority and responsibility by God, and not by man. As a wife, I am a helpmeet, but what is my role as a disciple? Am I supposed to dim my light in the kingdom by being ‘silent’? These are the questions I’ve had to answer after years of being told and shown what women cannot and should not do in the church.

So recently, when our minister asked my husband and I to share reflections during communion at worship, while willing, I still felt a certain trepidation. While women being active participants in worship and ministry at my current congregation isn’t new for them, it was for me. I couldn’t help but think how long talented and powerful voices have been silenced in the name of cultural patriarchy, cloaked as gospel truth. I am not a theologian, nor am I a Bible scholar, but I am a disciple. I am a Christian.

And as a Christian, I’d never felt more fully a part of God’s kingdom, than that Sunday presenting communion. I felt like an equal participant. I felt valued and respected. I felt liberated. I know scholars and tradition keepers will argue over the role of women in the church, but I contend that regardless of where you stand, we have to do better about making women and girls feel valuable in the kingdom of God. We have vision and voices, and it’s time to acknowledge, encourage, and embrace them.

This post was originally published as a guest post on to describe Timil’s experience growing up in the church of Christ tradition.

Timil Jones is a wife, mother of 3 boys, and entrepreneur. She loves God, people, and has a passion for equality and justice, with a focus in housing and financial literacy. Read More From Timil Jones:



Timil Jones

Entrepreneur I Real Estate Investor I Soccer Mom I Advocate I Host of TimilTV