Knocking Doors to get Customers!

Timin Roy
Nov 19, 2022


Knocking on doors to get new customers is fading away. So how do many companies get new customers nowadays?

Lead generation is an essential part of any business, as it identifies potential customers and converts them into paying customers. When the overall flow of leads brought by your sales team is declining, your Customer Acquisition Cost and Customer Acquisition Time are slowly going up.

Various lead generation strategies are currently being used, but one of the most effective is inbound marketing. Using SEO and social media tools, you can attract potential customers to your website and convert them into paying customers.

Using a lead generation service has many benefits, such as saving time and money and generating more leads compared to traditional knocking.



Timin Roy

Founder of Livenserv. Generate business with the power of AI and other tech. Digital Transformation & Brand Consultant.