Understanding Tire Tread Separation, Its Causes And Effects

Timothy Munene
5 min readMay 6, 2023


A complex interplay of design elements and materials goes into the creation of a new tire. Unfortunately, tire tread separation can happen despite tire makers’ ingenuity.

Tire tread separation occurs when the outermost part of the tire tread separates. The tread, which is part of the rubber tire that comes into contact with road surfaces and provides vehicle traction, is what separates from the tire body.

Tire tread separation is caused by a variety of factors. These causes will determine who’s at fault for a tire tread separation and who a car accident lawyer can sue in order to get compensation on behalf of a victim.

Tire tread Separation Causes

Manufacturing Defects

Tire tread separations are often caused by manufacturing flaws. These defects can happen for many reasons, such as improper design or material or quality issues during the production process. Tires that have these defects are more prone than others to separate.

Materials and design not up to standard

Rubber, steel, and fibers of synthetic materials are used in tire production. Materials of low quality can cause tire structures to be weak, causing the tread to separate. Similarly, if a tire design is not engineered properly, it can lead to weak spots in the tires that can lead to separation.

The Quality Control Issues

Problems with quality control during manufacturing are also a common cause of manufacturing defects. These problems can occur anywhere in the production process, from mixing raw materials to final inspection. Issues with quality control can cause tire structures to be weakened, making them more susceptible to separation.

Improper Maintenance

Tire tread separation may also be caused due to improper maintenance. Tires can be damaged by improper maintenance, which leads to a weakening tire structure.

Overinflation, or Underinflation

When tires are underinflated or overinflated, they can cause the tire’s structure to be stressed, resulting in a potential separation.

Incorrect Tire Rotation

Tire rotation incorrectly is another common cause of improper care. Tires that are not rotated according to the recommended schedule can wear unevenly, resulting in tire damage and separation.


Misalignment of tires can also lead to tire tread separation. The tires can wear unevenly if they are not properly aligned. This leads to a possible separation of the tread.

Wear and Tear

Wear and tear can also cause tire tread separation. Tire structure can weaken as tires age due to exposure to driving conditions and road dangers.

Tire Age

The most common reason for tire wear and tear is age. As tires age, the rubber can become dry and brittle. This will weaken the tire’s structure and cause it to separate.

Driving Conditions

Tire wear can also be affected by driving conditions. High temperatures can cause the rubber to break down faster, resulting in possible separation. Similarly, driving over potholes, rough roads, and other road conditions can stress the tire’s structure.

Road Hazards

The structure of the tire can also be damaged by road debris, such as rocks, stones, or nails. This damage could cause separation. Regularly inspecting tires and having them repaired or changed as necessary is essential.

Tire Tread Separation Signs

These are the signs of tread separation in tires that drivers need to be aware of.

Visual Inspections of Tires

Tire tread separation can be detected by a visual examination of the tire. Regularly check your tires to see if there are any signs of damage. Tires that have visible cracks, bulges, or tears may be on their way to separation.

A tire that appears to have uneven wear could also indicate tread separation. This could indicate that your tire isn’t properly aligned. This will cause the tire to be stressed and may lead to separation.

Inspection of the tire is essential, both on its outer surface as well as on its inside. The inside can show signs that damage or wear may not be visible on the outside.

Vibrations During Driving

Vibrations when driving may also indicate tread separation. Vibrations felt by the driver while driving may indicate tire separation. These vibrations will be felt either through the steering column or the seat.

The vibrations might start as a mild shaking, but they can quickly escalate into a violent shaking if you don’t address the separation. The tire should be inspected as soon as possible by a qualified professional if you experience vibrations when driving.

Difficulty with the Vehicle

Vibrations in the car are also a sign that the tire tread is separating. If you ignore the separation, it can quickly escalate to violent shaking. It is vital to have your tire checked as soon as you detect vibrations.

Tire Noise

Noise coming from a tire could be an indicator of tread separation. It can make a clicking, thumping, and rattling noise when the tire starts to separate. This noise might start off as a soft noise but can rapidly escalate as the tires become more damaged.

It is crucial that the driver inspects the tire as soon as he hears unusual noises. Ignoring this noise can put you in a potentially dangerous situation.

Tire Tread Separation — Dangers

When the tread of a tire separates from its underlying structure, the tire can disintegrate, causing the vehicle to lose control and even cause accidents. Tire tread separation has many dangers. These include tire blowouts and vehicle loss of control.

Tire Blowouts And Loss Of Control

Tire tread separation can cause tire blowouts that can cause sudden loss of control.

Tire blowouts occur at all speeds, but high-speed ones are more dangerous. A tire blowout at high speeds can lead to serious accidents and even death.

Fatalities and injuries

Tire tread separations may lead to fatal injuries or serious injuries.

What to do in the event of tire tread separation

Handling your vehicle during a tire tread separation

  1. It’s crucial to be calm when you see your tire tread separate while driving.
  2. These steps will allow you to navigate the situation as safely as possible:
  3. Keep your grip firm on the steering. Do not make any sudden moves or slam brakes.
  4. Slow down and pull into a safe spot off the highway.
  5. If possible, move the car to a flat, stable, and away from traffic area.
  6. Turn on your hazards to alert drivers.
  7. Then call for assistance.

Safety Measures

If you see the tread of a tire separate, there are a few safety measures that should be taken.

● It is not advisable to drive on a bald tire or attempt to change it. It can cause additional damage to the car and increase the chances of an accident.

● If you own a spare, replace it with the damaged tire.

● For help with changing a flat tire, if your spare tire is not available or you’re unsure how to do it, contact roadside service.

● If a tire has damaged the vehicle (such as a bent suspension or rim), do not drive it until a professional has inspected and fixed the vehicle.

Repair or replacement

You can repair the damaged tire. Unfortunately, the tire can still be damaged underneath, even after the repair. This can lead to future tread separations and accidents.

Explore Legal Options

After a tire tread separation accident, you should contact a car accident lawyer as soon as possible. They can assist you in determining if you have an appropriate claim and guide you through the legal procedure. Their assistance will be crucial in making sure that you get compensated.

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