Causality: a reality game

Timothy Holborn
7 min readAug 7, 2019


*** Initial & incomplete draft ***

A Concept Overview for an idea about a computer game and game engine production project


As noted (for the uninitiated) in my other articles; I’ve been working on a particular form of informatics & information management systems methodology that he calls a ‘human centric’ approach.

The basic premise is that design methods or modals used for the production of online systems, affect and influence the natural agents, and that as this is considered to be the case; it is most important that the web be re:designed as to ensure people are provided a capacity to maintain the records of their collectively embodiment considered as a ‘digital twin’ of themselves.

This series of considerations is though to be of importance for human agency and the future of our biosphere, whilst now subjected to fierce opposition.

The problem this series of considerations have had in seeking to bring about solutions, is that market leaders fail to recognise the merits of the underlying considerations that i have made. Consequentially, as a generalisation; they go about “cherry picking” derivative components, as to make use of them in alternative structures that seek to own systems made important as ‘digital identity’ solutions.

These ‘digital identity’ ‘solutions’, that are now well developed and funded; often share a common set of characteristics; that in-effect, form golden handcuffs between natural persons and companies as an asset, to me used (and protected) for purposes of engendering corporate profit.

The benefit of that approach for them is that ‘their’ users become ‘their’ assets.

The problem that is though likely brought about is that these systems do not fully represent the natural persons interests; and this is thought to lead to a computational framework that by reasons of intrinsic design qualities, negatively affects humanity and its social systems; that are in-turn used & depended upon, for providing the functionally supported scope of social-interactions, for any task; including those able to do good for (and in) our biosphere.

It is believed this series of interwoven considerations has a relationship to quantum mechanics and the brain processes employed for consciousness; and that these design flaws in the web, have an influence upon causality. This game idea seeks to employ the learnings from the otherwise unsupported works, as to produce a commercial product that can explore the concepts as a gamified solutions outcome, that is believed likely to be strategically compatible with market forces.

In other-words, if they don’t like the idea for reality, we can repurpose the ideas to produce a better game, that might be worth being played by those interested.

The commercials are straight forward; the project makes a game that’s commercialised; much like the real-world, in many ways (to be explored)…

As it appears impossible to ‘wake people up’, this idea seeks to form a means to explore any potential merits these philosophically considered areas; of programmatically implementable interference frameworks, in a purpose built computer game that is designed to explore the theory, by implementing computational models that are purpose-built into a gaming product, sold to people who want to have fun playing games.

In-effect the theory is that if people want to play games, we should make one for them that helps them consider the influences their decisions might have on others, in the real-world.


The objective is to build a computer game where various considerations relating to interference patterns, interactions & causality can be explored in the virtual environment of the game itself. The game will make use of an array of interactive physics modals that relate actions & choices to a series of game statistics, in a manner that is intended to support the means through which the time and temporal associations relating human consciousness to its influences in the world are explored by association to the relationship between conscious thought; and the influences brought about by human experience & senses in the game-world.


Making use of wave-interference modal concepts alongside other advanced theory to create a simulation environment that has meaningful relationships to real-world factors that cause influence in relation to social-informatics and AI empowered systems.

The project seeks to start small, and grow more sophisticated overtime; whilst providing an economic means for people to do useful work in an economically sustainable way.

This is achieved through the commercialisation of ‘game derivatives’ and the usefulness of them in the world.


Note: article about social informatics and QM. This is in-turn supplemented by an array of other works as noted in medium articles and elsewhere.

The traditional means used to describe interference is through the double-slit test, but this well known animation / demonstration; does not easily convey a series of complex issues that are brought about when applying the same rudimentary theory to social informatics.

For Example; the traditional ‘double slit’ animation,

  1. only considers a single point-source and the consequential emanations from two entities
  2. whilst displaying temporal considerations; does not do so on a continuum
  3. is representative of photons and not multi-modal perception

Perceptual differentiations

Human consciousness is influenced by multiple senses; which are in-turn influenced also, by past experiences and related learning outcomes.

For instance;

  • If someone reads symbols relating to a language they know (or know of) the derivative neural effects are different than would be the case; if the observer did not understand the language at all.
  • As language is used to name things, this is likely to influence changes the neural effects brought about by observing the same thing again. This effect is considered likely to be influenced by many factors; that in congruence, change behaviours or associated ‘sentiment analyses’ relating to behavioural activities.
  • When interacting with others, the underpinning factors of ‘lived experience’ influence sense-making as is performed in the present. Reinforcement of existing models is likely easier than refactoring constructs, forming new ones; or assessment of implications relating to entirely wrong / false past ones.
  • There are an array of differentiated ‘sense making’ functional capacities that could be represented as differentiated waves. An observer (agent) may passively see directly or indirectly an influence from another agent; without necessarily having had any active and/or interactive engagement with them.
  • Broader systems may be used to apply rules via far broader ecosystems by few agents; that forms interference frameworks upon a multitude of others as ‘semi-invisible influences’.

It is envisaged that there are MANY different possible considerations that could be brought into an experiential environment that’s able to be developed overtime, starting with something that’s relatively simple whilst being designed in such a way that’s providing a means for it to grow.

The hope is that the game can serve as an educational tool and ‘proof of concept’, to support the assertions made in fields that include physics; that the interactive nature of informatics systems influence societies.


The proposed solution is a game environment. At this stage, ‘the solution’ is to form a commercial undertaking that would seek to better scope-out the opportunity, design frameworks and considerations; but this is an entirely dynamic consideration based on the fact that there’s currently no money to devote to this idea of a project.

By ‘commercial undertaking’ i mean a commercial structure that is adequately funded for ‘seed stage’ growth and development of this basic concept; into something that’s more material, and able to demonstrate a POC (proof of concept).

The Proposed game environment could / should be engineered as to form an independent data-services platform (that’s coupled to the presentation environment, but not necessarily part of it) that powers the underlying ‘logic’ systems. Some of the tooling that could be used has been previously described here alongside the text of other articles i have produced overtime.

At this stage, it is thought that the first implementation might simply use ‘bubbles’ and emanating waves, as to produce something that’s somewhat akin to ‘adventure’ (one of the first computer games) as to invest more into the game logic engine itself; than to spend a more significant portion on the graphical assets, where choices need to be made; based on the amount of funding available to start production of a POC.

The project would seek to engage academic experts in fields of sociology, neurology, physics (and quantum physics / mechanics), semantic web and other relevant fields as to form an informed basis through which this game engine is able to be modelled upon known considerations relating to human experience & the formative processes that are involved in relation to ‘observers’ and our means to of ‘sense making’ in relation to the formation of what we might call ‘reality’ and as is somewhat distinct yet coupled; ‘our reality’.

Most usefully also; game environments feature the ability for game-players to easily accumulate in-game achievements. I believe this can be put to good use.

At this stage, the idea is very ‘fresh’ and in its early stages. If you’re interested in contributing towards the creation of this project, get in touch via Linkedin.

