Digital Covid19 “Vaccine Passport”

Timothy Holborn
6 min readFeb 27, 2021


Here’s a few notes… I’m very concerned about the implications…

This post is moreover focused upon my concerns, i’ve since written another article more focused on the history and intent behind my work purposes in relation to the creation of the technology, from the very early stages.

For more information about that; see the article below.

I have major concerns about the web-based ‘covid passport’

As i see a tech component, I helped create, motivated in particular to build tech, without support (neither companies, nor gov wanted to properly fund solutions where people have agency re: data, digital evidence or AI); as to protect people from abuse (as part of a broader ecosystem, intended to uplift our society in fairly radically, positive ways); which is now being deployed as a covid passport or what appears to be a globalist ‘data collar’,

perhaps intended to support UN SDG 16.9 (digital identity for all); note links (inc. in comments)

Whilst i may be partially responsible for an ID Solution about to be collared upon billions, i’m feeling ashamed. I think, we don’t do enough to support human agency or what i called ‘web civics’.. or human rights, of adults or kids; ‘proof is in the pudding’…

Verifiable claims was about responsibilities, honesty, protecting the importance of acting honourably (or consequences, otherwise); to support storage & availability of evidence to prosecute crimes & much more.

- What choices are being made & how do they support our values?

- How can democracy survive without sense-making about reality?

- How do we support contributors rather than abusers?

Noam Chomsky once replied to me saying: “The fact that there a re pressures and costs does not absolve people of their moral responsibility. The primary custodian of one’s actions is oneself.”

I am struggling to feel good about these ‘covid passports’. i’m concerned about the masthead it creates globally, and its implications. I think the selfish people have won an enormous battle; supported by the ignorant & those who should be ashamed for not being capable of empathy, or worse.

FWIW: i don’t think the vaccine is going to harm people, basically, i think that would be a shitty way to harvest slaves.

But i do think it should be a choice for most people.


This is an Audio File is clipped as a segment of–06–02/

Which links also to DIDs: first noted in Web Payments, which is where the initial Credentials work was done

Semi-due to a situation where two particular people, didn’t like each-other; so, i kinda worked to build a bridge, that was not appriciated at the time.

Later: work led to:

then stuff like:

The ‘Covid Passport’ or ‘vaccine passport’, appears to me — to relate directly to: SDG 16.9

16.9 by 2030 provide legal identity for all including free birth registrations

A well meaning vision by the principal technology (software method) designer.

Funding was scarce: only some more commercially motivated contributors found financial support…

Last year, Credentials became Californian law

The reason why this is important, is due to the amount of time it takes to get a technology produced in a way that’s protected by a patent pool (takes years)
W3C = A Patent Pool:

As is supported by its members:

This is not easy to do, it cannot be done in weeks or months — it takes years… The reason why that was essential, was to ensure ‘freedom of thought’ could be provided, but that’s not what it looks like is happening here…

Source: IATA

Systems must work for international visitors in Australia, or visaversa. Using it, should reasonably be expected to support KYC. These people either don’t understand, or are not being honest, in my view, about their representations.

The concept of mandatory medical procedures or global, perhaps blockchain based, digital identity infrastructure built upon medical infrastructure — is not what i was seeking to achieve.

also found:

(other related diagrams:

My more ‘fully formed’ submission to government Feb 2020 can be found via:

But, My work sought to improve support for ideals stated by notes like:

IMO — that’s not what its being used to do.

The idea, that my creative work, unpaid, is to be bastardised in a way i believe to be morally bankrupt and then forced upon me, irraspective of any realities associated to my immune systems capacity to sort it out; and quite seperately to the vaccine politics in and of themselves (i doubt their trying to harm the people their trying to clamp a data-collar on for economic purposes)…

I think the situation is disgusting. Nothing to do with healthcare.

I am choosing not to go into various covid19 medical stuff, as its kinda irralavent and truely highlights the issue overall; how can someone who has not been vaccinated cause injury to someone who is vaccinated, if the vaccine works? beyond anything else, they’d have to firstly be infected with COVID19, which, news suggests won’t happen from vaccinated people; and unvaccinated people, as to warrant the ‘importance’ & ‘urgency’ aren’t going to survive because there’s no other theraputic treatment and all the other things we’ve been told. after all, acting to harm people, is a crime, isn’t it?

IMO: The stories do not add up & there’s alot wrong with this ‘picture’.

Push comes to shove, they should explain it fully, to a court of law and they should use credentials to make a record of how and when they threaten people so that the facts can be presented to a court of law; after all, that was the express purpose of creating that technology.

Produced Christmas Day 2016 for:

