Engineering Einstein

Timothy Holborn
10 min readAug 2, 2019


Within these remarkable times, in which we live, an enormous amount of human activity has been put to the creation, operation and use of extraordinarily sophisticated and internationally connected, ‘sense making’ systems.

Yet it has been built in such a way that considers human identity, to be a content issue.

These systems have acted as to support the growth and development of business systems that are particular in nature, whilst leaving a great deal of opportunity to be deemed ‘out of scope’.

As members of our societies, if we seek to participate we have a set of tools that we must learn how to use and make use of; as part of our daily lives.

Most often, if there’s something important that is written about us in a system of importance; it’ll be written by someone else, and often we don’t even get to see or know about; what it is they’ve written about us, or perhaps mistakenly about someone else in a record that relates to us.

The days of walking down the street and asking a potential employer to give you an opportunity, to give you a job — is long gone…

Ecosystems that have emerged prefer normalised pathways that often involve undertaking institutional studies that are expensive, time-consuming and pre-loaded with the difficulties of simultaneously seeking to support ones self.

which is then supplemented by the opportunity of an ‘internship’, where cheap or free labour is sought to get the work experience required, to get a proper job.

The next stage — a job, all too often means contract work, where the workforce protections of the past become no-longer relevant and ‘good behaviour’ shall support the means for the highly invested and enlisted, to start forging a life that may at some stage support the needs to have a family.

The next stage, is the mortgage. Where the ‘property boom’ means for those lucky enough to figure out how to buy the property, become so tightly bound to the needs of serving that loan; that the incentives to do what your told, becomes a socially accepted part of a life where one might get some time to relax at some stage — as to be amongst the dutiful consumers, of fake news.

But this doesn’t work out for everyone. Some, consuming this ‘fake news’ fed stories about fairness, and the implicitly available means to get help for the worthy; well some of these people think — lets go build a start-up.

The Lights, the wonderfully fitted out environments and the leaders of this innovation powering ‘sub-culture’ that are so eloquently entitled ‘angels’, lead young aspiring ‘thinkers’ down a scripted path, where they get the opportunity to own some shares in a company they go about the works to establish; and with the funding provided ‘to help them realise their dreams’, they invest in the rent and consultancy needs supplied by the ecosystem; often without the means to pay themselves the minimum wage, whilst in a ‘bright eyed, and bushy tailed’ manner, passionately pitching their ideas to local and world leaders; who more often than not, find it far easier to raise a project internally and figure out how to exploit the opportunity now so clearly outlined. In the vast majority of cases, it’s said that these young ‘entrepreneurs’ will learn an invaluable lesson, and if they’re lucky, they’ll get a job.

There are no lawyers for commercial issues provided for the poor.

We have engineered an environment, where some sort of fantasy exists, that as its easy to acquire the derivatives of peoples hard work; that those knowledge assets & derivatives, can easily be provided to those who work subserviently in large companies, as though the greatest opportunities for advancing our society and its way of life; can easily be obtained, by deception.

This well known operational concept suggests that those who are so well known for their contributions in past; had nothing special about them, that an organisational group — can reasonably expect investors and other stakeholders to bet, on their ability to prosthetically Engineer Einstein.

Yet, this delusional & harmful ‘status quo’ cannot even be spoken about, let alone addressed by making tools that provide at a minimum, acknowledgement. so our economies are going into debt, and whilst there are so many who are bonded to particular operations of this dysfunctional machine; it appears the only viable answer to that, is for our political leaders to play their pivotal role, in expressing how it is they are best, akin to Einstein.

The underlying problem is that, like a terribly afflicted addict; the drug these people are hooked on, is a bad and harmful series of ‘information systems’.

Many, but not all, of those who most excel — are participants, and authoritative approvers for systems of ‘fake news’ almost everywhere.

The idea of ‘knowledge’ and provenance, is said to be ‘just too hard’. That the implications of holding these basic virtues to be of value, could cause inextricable harms to society — as may be expressed with great hostility.

It doesn’t really matter if its the idea that people are provided a digital receipt, or whether they can be provided timely access to justice as to uphold their civil needs. In politics, i have seen described the concept of this threat as the potential for a tyranny of ‘extreme democracy’.

As its no longer reasonable to suggest we do not have the technological means, what is the reason why we have such poor tools to support our system of democracy?

How can we seek progress if we proclaiming one thing, whilst the facts of a matter known to a few are entirely something else.

The risks brought about by acts of ‘web slavery’ are nuanced from former means. Without the means to have agency, life becomes a lucky dip.

The next time someone discovers something of importance, who discovered it will not be of importance; but rather, whether that discovery is able to be made use of; and who, is the authorised agent who can say they did the work.

Yet, this will not work, and whilst the pragmatic reasoning as to why that is, is hard to best communicate; a basic part of reality is a humans lived experience.

Biologically, one cannot simply elect a surrogate parent, and get the same outcome. Similarly, in life — the fact that people do things, cannot be coherently ‘copied’, by simply lifting and exploiting their derivatives.

Where a series of false facts have been proclaims, this does not advance our means to solve real-world problems; it has the opposite effect, it undermines the means to solve any problem — or to be a part of how those problems find means to be resolved.

Like the afore mentioned addiction afflicted person, there are ripple effects that cause systemic issues undermining all capacities to do much good at all.

Indeed worse still, the incubated state of bad circumstances, leads to a ripple effect of expense onto others. quite different, from means to promote growth.

We live in an age, where a significant percentage of the worlds population can type a question into google; and get records that relate to it from around the world, in a few seconds. Yet we don’t have the technology to support, truth.

This dissociative fantasy so highly invested into by the few; will kill us all. Whilst they may believe, like Frankenstein they can engineer themselves an Einstein who will be subservient to their needs; it would be best if they remembered the colour and fragrance of our natural world, and that as part off this real-world reality, the decisions that they’re making, really do matter.

Whilst the production of online systems that better articulate the complex considerations that are formed through transposing provenance, for the betterment of our systems of governance; what this choice will incur, is an inability to engineer themselves, an Einstein. If they find one, and his not subservient to serve their needs as is directed by them for such talented persons to do so, they’d need to think about humility as to heal.

Perhaps the implications may solve other issues through new quorum, and new qualities that could be built into modern our mediums; yet this choice, can only be made by those who today, most benefit by how it works, the status quo, as all others are most easily considered to be a consumer, with fake news and the need to communicate fostering new resources, as we to be consumed.

Our problems today are not built upon a lack of technology. Our problems today, growing more complex every day, are due to the curated manifestation of our attention. Whether willingly or otherwise, our problems are our own.

We have a choice. We can invest in the ‘artificial’, the fantasy — or reality. It’s a decision that’s about one more than the other, but we can’t live in a database.

Law provides no comfort, if the needs of life in our real-world are not served.

Money and economy means little more than electricity, if fair pay for fair work is made to be an elective opportunity, polarised by mistakes, made by others.

If we have some sense of what it means to be a good person, it shouldn’t matter where in the world; something useful, is made able to be found.

In-order to promote the goodness human-kind can bring to bare upon our realm, the considerations of human dignity are so much more important than the privacy of those purposefully involved in wrong-doings; yet, we have no language or vocabulary that now may be used to better declare, the intent of words such as those described in the writings of others, now so many years ago.

The UDHR needs a ‘facelift’, as to better content with our modern challenges and our means to meet our common goals. I have registered the domain ‘’ where i intend to initiate the development of some framework, that may bring into consideration the needs of those things that belong to our biosphere; in addition to the already well served, that does not.

I hope we form agreements to leave this space better than how we found it. I hope to unite through the use and ubiquity of new tools that help value it.

But, it’s really not up to me. It’s up to you. Reality might be inconvenient, but a life without an alliance with it; is made to arguably be, no real life & no defensibility, for the things we hold most dear in our reality, at all…

If we want to make our place, better than how we found it; we must invest in the real-world, not simply as a resource, but as instrumental agents of it.

Human Agency is not a commodity that can be replicated, and engineered.

We are all, different, and with proper guidance and support, as is so distinct to acts of usury; we can form means to make use of our tools to solve the worlds biggest problems. Perhaps, it’s just that those so devoted to fantasy, need to wake up. Perhaps whatever fears they have had in the past; might serve them in their quest to get the type of outcomes, they first sought.

Perhaps the world won’t collapse, if more people were made aware of what problems they could better make use of their own minds to form a meaningful approach with others, to resolve. Perhaps this is a better way to share disaster.

Or alternatively, to ensure a sense of shared ownership to get better outcomes.

The modern world is not the same as it was 10 years ago, 20 or 50 years ago.

We now have the tools to do things imagined before hand, we have no excuse. The circumstances of human poverty, of exploitation and victim blaming, is all too well known to be so very wrong. It’s time, to do something good about it.

Our systems of law are built upon the principle that a person who seeks lawful remedy be required to prove their case, with evidence. Online systems, if they respect the natural world and the human life that lives in it; must step up, and do what it is they’ve been able to do, for quite some time, and be responsible.

If this does not occur, as they seek to engineer themselves their Einstein, the fact should so clearly be known to all, that they really don’t care as is their choice. That no-matter what they could or should do, those who work in relation to the production governance and use of those services, are doing so whilst making the choice, not to care. That their needs lead them, to not care.

There is a well-known melting pot of issues that is causing us all harm. These issues are not new, they’re not emergent and its not by accident. We are now living in an environment that is powered by solutions that disqualify reality.

Its really up to us to think about that, think about the implications and make decisions; or knowingly accept the tyranny and its effects on things, that we cannot change. When people get hurt, and enquiry or apology is a sad result. What humanity has otherwise strived to accomplish, is to define solutions that means people don’t get hurt in the first place. Yet with cyber, its perhaps often thought that the problems don’t affect us; as decisions made by connected people around the world continuously affect others in otherwise disconnected ways.

Nonetheless, it doesn’t make it right. Money doesn’t heal moral poverty.

Conscious and considerate though, is a better means to resource the cure.

The underlying reality, is that there’s not a scarcity of jobs to do. Rather, there’s a scarcity of ways to acknowledge and pay people, who do work.

This doesn’t need to be the case. We can deploy systems that change the way ‘work’, works — so that it doesn’t matter so much how a job is done, just that it’s organised to get done properly and that those who do so, really benefit.

There is a leap between a resource based economy, to one that is built upon a knowledge based one. Yet, this transition is made to be impossible, if we don’t choose to engineer solutions that are reasonably made to work, in reality.

The well-explored option of stripping people of any means to make use of the rule of law, will not yield any better outcomes for anyone. In reality, the only dependable outcome brought about by these means, is an environment that’s best designed for problems to get much worse, prior to the expenditure that is consequentially required; as to author new reports, that talk about, the why.

The instrumental difference between a resource based economy and a knowledge based one; is that one, relies upon human activity providing useful outcomes, tracked in the form of knowledge; the other, simply treats humanity (and the natural world) as a commodity & resource.

It is fairly reasonable to expect most to consider the latter a fantasy; Yet,

There are obviously some very influential people who are yet to be convinced. I’m not sure how that can be done as i’m led to believe that that the means to think, work and learn with knowledge, doesn’t really count. Whats of most importance for too many, is how they can consume attention at your expense.

The only way that’s going to change, is to tell them what we want.

People who exploit others today, unlike former slave owners; don’t need to support the needs of the slave, and can say they did their work, themselves.

Some choices allows that to occur on a global scale; and the others, do not.


