Five Things You See In Bathrooms Apart From Dropping A Deuce Or Bathing

3 min readSep 2, 2017


Your bath hours are your clean-up time, whether or not you are planning to drop a number 1 or simply a number 2. It doesn’t make a difference; you are required to go to the bathroom no less than a couple of times per day. After all, you do that right? Ok, I was high strung for a minute there.
Below are some things you may see in the bathroom aside from bathing or dropping a deuce.

1. Brushing Your Teeth
This is a simple no brainer; brushing is better completed in the daybreak as you wake and after dark before heading to bed . . . To keep that funky mouth smell taken care of. Make sure you at least have a hard and soft toothbrush to alternative between and some floss in the bathroom . . . Whenever you floss, you feel good . . . It is scientifically confirmed.

2. Clearing your thoughts
The bathroom is an excellent place to put things in a new view. If an apple had not dropped on Newton’s head . . . Somebody would have reasoned it out in the bathroom. There is just one thing about going there and sitting in a dry bath tub with nothing to carry out; life will simply just try to muse and sort itself out.

3. Music
It is possible to win your own Grammy by singing solos while showering or you could just get some shower speakers and set the earth on flames with it. Rumor has it I’m the most famous bath soloist . . . Guess what? Rumor is true.

4. Your Phone
The best location to pick up on all your social media site experience is in the bathroom. Reediting while dropping a deuce is regarded as a sport to a few, they truly feel it is more natural and more by the purpose of the site. Folks are just simply weird.

5. Light Reading
You might like to do some gentle reading in your bathroom. A pile of fantastic books and you are great to go. It keeps you company the conventional way.
The bathroom has become a multifunctional place. You could do much more than cleaning.

