The Concept of MVP In Product Management

Timothy Olowoyo
2 min readFeb 7, 2023


The MVP (Minimum Viable Product) concept is a popular approach in product management that emphasizes delivering a basic, but functional, version of a product to market as quickly as possible. This approach allows product managers to validate key assumptions about the product with real customers and gather feedback, which is then used to make informed decisions about how to improve the product before investing significant resources in a full-fledged product development.

The MVP concept provides a framework for startups to rapidly validate business ideas and minimize risk. However, the MVP concept is not just limited to startups; it is also widely used by established companies looking to bring new products to market or improve existing ones.

An MVP should have just enough features to be usable and to provide value to early adopters. The key is to deliver a product that is simple enough to launch quickly, but has enough functionality to be meaningful to customers and generate feedback. For example, a MVP for a social media platform might only have basic functionality such as the ability to create a profile, post updates, and connect with friends. Over time, the platform could be improved based on feedback from early adopters to include additional features such as messaging, photo sharing, and more which are more tasking and resource consuming.

Few of the benefits of using an MVP approach in product management include:

Minimizing risk: By launching a basic version of the product, product managers can minimize risk by testing the viability of the product with real customers before investing significant resources in a full-fledged product development.

Gathering feedback: The MVP approach allows product managers to gather feedback from early adopters and use it to make informed decisions about how to improve the product.

Iterating quickly: By launching an MVP, product managers can iterate quickly, making improvements based on feedback from early adopters and continuously improving the product.

Focusing on what matters: An MVP forces product managers to focus on the core features of the product and what provides value to customers. This helps to avoid feature creep and ensures that the product is focused on delivering value to the customer.

In conclusion, the MVP concept is a powerful tool in the product management toolkit. By delivering a basic, but functional, version of a product to market, product managers can minimize risk, gather feedback, iterate quickly, and focus on what matters most to customers.

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