“This epic Statue of Liberty painting is part of an experiment to help increase peace, love, and unity.”

(And here’s how you can participate in the experiment)

Timothy Paulson
3 min readNov 19, 2023

Irecently finished the 48"x60" painting, Statue of Liberty at Dusk, pictured above.

The painting is so new that my signature hasn’t thoroughly dried yet.

(It’s a $25,000 painting, but that’s not what this is about.)

I’m doing a little experiment with the painting — and you can be involved.

It’s a 3-part experiment (with just one part left)

PART 1 of the experiment:

This part is already done.

I posted a photo of the painting on Facebook to see how much engagement it would get. So far, it’s received 191 “likes,” 49 comments, and two shares.

That doesn’t set any records, but it’s not bad.

PART 2 of the experiment:

This part is already done.

I created the “Peace, Love, & Unity Pledge” shown below, in which I invite people to add their names in a symbolic way of acknowledging their desire to help promote peace, love, and unity.

I posted the pledge on Facebook and asked people to sign it.

The results?

To date, the post has six “likes” and three comments.

Thankfully, more people than that clicked on the link and signed the pledge — which is found at www.Totalityism.com.

Interesting results after the first two parts of the experiment, right?

PART 3 of the experiment:

  • So — I already have the results of posting the Statue of Liberty painting on FB by itself: GOODa total of: 242 engagements.
  • And — I also have the results of posting the Peace, Love, and Unity Pledge by itself: NOT GOOD — a total of: 9 engagements.

Now, the next question is “What will happen when I combine the Statue of Liberty painting & the Pledge together in a post?”

How much engagement do you suppose this article will get after I post it on Facebook?

(That’s what I intend to find out.)

Why am I doing this experiment?

I’m working on my doctoral dissertation as part of my Doctor of Ministry program at Emory University. The question at the heart of my dissertation is:

“How can a small art studio in Utah help root out racism in the United States through a new art movement designed to increase peace, love, and unity?”

The answer to the question — in part — is to have at least 1,000 people sign the “Peace, Love, & Unity Pledge.”

Now that I’ve mentioned it…

Will you go ahead and add your name to the Peace, Love, & Unity Pledge? You can do so at www.Totalityism.com.

“Totalityism” is the new art movement I created that merges art and theology as a catalyst for helping to root out racism in the U.S. through increased peace, love, and unity.

Below is a photo of the painting in front of our 12' Christmas tree. Totalityism is about merging art and theology — and this photo represents how liberty, peace, love, and unity are gifts from our Heavenly Father. Our greatest gift is the Savior Jesus Christ, who died on the cross for us and rose from the tomb on the third day.

Thank you for reading! I’ll report the results of the third part of his experiment when I have them.

One more time…

Will you add your name to the Peace, Love, & Unity Pledge? You can do so at www.Totalityism.com.





Timothy Paulson

Artist, author, & creator of "the new Art Movement of the 21st Century" - the art is shown at www.PaulsonArtShow.com