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A Brief History of Linux:

Like a Speedo

Timothy Pecoraro
2 min readAug 30, 2021



This is the first in my series of articles information needed for the Linux+ CompTIA certification test. Please follow for more to come.

When most people think of the History of Linux, well most people don’t, but let’s pretend; they think of UNIX. Computer scientists Ken Thompson and Dennis Ritchie at Bell Labs worked on the MULTICS project. With initial version coming out in 1970 which was called UNICS, for Uniplexed Information and Computing. The first two versions of UNICS were written in assembly language. In 1974, AT&T licensed UNIX to educational institutions for a small distribution charge. This allowed colleges and universities to obtain the operating system and use it for teaching and development. In 1982, AT&T was broken up and thus UNIX was no longer free to educational institutions.

From Pixabay

In September of 1983, Richard Stallman announced the GNU project which stands for Gnu’s Not Unix. GNU was to be the free replacement for UNIX, because at the time there was no free version of UNIX.



Timothy Pecoraro

Medium Top Writer. Video game Journalist, programmer. If you want to know what to read, watch, or play you will find it here. Along with a bunch of Tech stuff.