Halo Series Episode #1 Review (2022)

Mastering the Chief

Timothy Pecoraro
3 min readMar 26, 2022
From opentapes.org

Going into Paramount’s new Halo Series I had very low expectations. Some franchises just shouldn’t be translated into live-action movies. This is something that I’ve prescribed to pretty much my entire life. Some things are just too big and too crazy to become television shows or movies (live-action ones anyway). On most occasions, this has proven to be true, at least in my opinion. But Halo might be another exception to this rule.

The show begins with a brutal attack on a colony that is rebelling against the UNSC. There is so much back story here and explanation that me writing it here or the show trying to cover it in anything less than a season is going to be next to impossible. So, I hope that you will either bear with me or already know what I’m talking about. Anyway, I think this attack really sets the tone for the entire series. This being that this will be no holds barred look and for the most part, they will be showing all of it. In general, in the Halo video game series, you are fighting aliens, so the brutality is reserved for them. But here we are seeing what happens before the UNSC gets there and why the aliens (the Covenant). Are so terrible. The Spartans drop in to try and fight the aliens but it’s too late. The entire colony except for one person has been wiped out. This is not the kind of thing we ever see…



Timothy Pecoraro

Medium Top Writer. Video game Journalist, programmer. If you want to know what to read, watch, or play you will find it here. Along with a bunch of Tech stuff.