Gaming Videogames Unreal Game Design Game Development

The Matrix Awakens An Unreal Engine 5 Experience (Highlights)

Wake up, Samurai!

Timothy Pecoraro
3 min readDec 13, 2021


I played the demo and here it is

I missed a lot of the raytracing. I guess I wasn’t looking hard enough. But overall, the demo is a huge step forward for something this complicated. But other than some of the opening scenes are really hard to parse as far as what has been done from a rendered video and what is actually a controllable asset. What I mean, by this is what is just a cinematic and what is a gameplay piece? Using Metahuman, Epic scanned in Keanu Reeves and Carrie Anne Moss. Some of the angles on the younger versions don’t really look that great. Some angles look incredible. The current older versions are much better. To point of practically not being able to tell. The third character is high quality but not high enough to be fooled into thinking it was a real person asset.

Apparently, every time you play the car chase sequence, it changes a little each time, because it is using a chaos physics system that will give you different effects for similar actions.



Timothy Pecoraro

Medium Top Writer. Video game Journalist, programmer. If you want to know what to read, watch, or play you will find it here. Along with a bunch of Tech stuff.