Timothy Redwine
2 min readDec 29, 2023


Give me a break.

Last I heard, a minimum wage worker in the U.S.--someone who "flips burgers"--is in the global 2℅.

In other words, if I am understanding the data correctly, the lowest paid worker in the U.S. has a greater net worth than 98℅ of the 8 billion people in the world.

Yet, we are supposed to think it is a big deal if a man or a white person in the U.S. has an easier path from birth to entry and advancement in elitist academic institutions and elitist business and governmental organizations?!

Not only that, we are supposed to think that it is such a big deal that we need to go out of our way to make sure that we are raising children with the latter supposedly seismic reality in mind?!

There are people in this world who have real problems. There are people who live with the constant threat or war, disease, famine, environmental disasters, etc. There are people who have little access to fresh water. There are people whose traditions, livelihoods and other cultural practices that have been practiced for centuries are in danger of extinction. There are girls who face the threat of acid attacks simply for going to school. But what are people in the U.S. making a big deal about? A person might get into an elitist academic institution or an elitist corporate position, or might be excluded from such a position, because of his/her sex or skin color. We have major problems in the U.S., don't we?

Apparently it doesn't occur to anybody in the U.S. to raise their children to be aware of things like the crimes that corporations and the U.S. government have committed against indigenous people and foreign countries or how the policies of U.S.-controlled institutions like the World Bank have resulted in mass starvation. But at least their children will end up appreciating all of the global 2℅, not just males and whites, right?

Right here in our own backyard we've got coal miners who are afraid of retaliation from their employers if they get tested for Black Lung. But at least we will raise white boys correctly so that they don't feel threatened if Asians, blacks and women get admitted to the Ivy League, right? They'll still have it the easiest, so we should relax, right?

Only in America.

I feel like throwing up.

