Timothy Redwine
2 min readMar 8, 2024


It is not the responsibility of low-income women, minorities, etc. to break a cycle that they did not create.

Furthermore, being the beneficiary of that cycle does not make a person better-suited for parenthood.

To say that things beyond a person's control, such as her environment, make her less or more suited to be a parent is extremely racist, classist and elitist. It is like excluding minorities, women, disabled people, etc. from military service; saying that military service makes one better-suited for leadership positions; and then saying that leadership positions are a privilege, not a right.

My guess is that an honest evaluation would show that low-income, single, minority, etc. mothers do MORE with the limited resources they have than affluent mothers do with their abundance of resources.

Your entire argument is flawed. Nobody is more-suited or less-suited to be a parent. The ENVIRONMENT in which one is raising a child can certainly impact a child's experiences and development. But single, minority, etc. mothers get the most that they can out of their environment and circumstances, just like every other human. Meanwhile, like I already said, such mothers probably get MORE out of their environment and circumstances than more affluent women do.

It does not take two brain cells to see that if everybody in a certain environment is having the same experiences and outcomes then the issue is that environment.

Basically, what all of these "it is morally wrong to bring children into the world with men who can't provide" arguments are saying is that if middle and upper class women were to trade places with low-income, minority, etc. women and live in the ghetto they would perform better than the latter as mothers there. That is some of the most racist and elitist thinking that I have ever heard.

If middle and upper class people think that they could be better parents in the ghetto than its historic inhabitants, why don't they move there?

If the system is designed to favor certain people at the expense of others then it goes without saying that outcomes will vary.

Outcomes are the moral responsibility of the people who are in control, not the powerless people who have to do the best that they can to cope. Taking away more ways for the latter to cope only makes the situation worse.

