Timothy Redwine
2 min readFeb 10, 2024


This argument is severely flawed.

Instead of holding accountable the people who have power, control resources, etc. it shifts moral responsibility to the powerless.

Poverty should not exist. We have the resources to eradicate it. But the people who control the resources choose not to do so.

Sociologists have observed that poor single mothers--specifically black single mothers, if I recall correctly--say that they know that they are never going to have careers, so they turn to being mothers to have a meaningful life.

This whole argument that bringing children into an impoverished environment is child abuse is asinine. If it is child abuse are we going to arrest the mothers, convict them and incarcerate them for simply giving birth? It's not child abuse until a crime is committed.

If bringing a child into a world where he will suffer is child abuse then all childbirth is abuse. Every person who is born is going to suffer from climate change.

The next thing you know, we will be told that it is wrong to hire women when men can't control themselves and guarantee a harassment-free workplace.

Moral responsibility belongs to the people who create and maintain a system of extreme inequality. If you want a society free of child abuse then force the people who have the necessary money to make that investment. People don't give up their right to reproduce because the system that they are trapped in keeps them poor.

But powerless poor people make easy scapegoats.

If people are not going to hold accountable those who have power and control resources they could at least have the decency not to scapegoat the powerless.

My guess is that child abuse is bad optics for the ruling class. Scapegoating the poor and the powerless keeps the powerful from having to own their crimes and take responsibility for them.

Rights do come with responsibilities. But a person is not responsible for, and should not be punished for, other people abusing their. Don't take rights away, make the people who abuse their rights pay the cost of correcting their abuses.

