What Are the Key Differences Between Financial Advisors and Robo-Advisors?

Timothy roberts
3 min readSep 27, 2023


Managing your finances can be a complex task, and many people seek help to make informed decisions. Financial advisors and robo-advisors are two common choices for assistance. They have their own unique characteristics, and knowing the differences between them is crucial. In fact, according to a recent survey, nearly 68% of people find it challenging to understand the differences between these two financial options. This blog will shed light on the unique characteristics of financial advisors and robo-advisors, helping you make informed choices for your financial future.

Main Distinctions Between Robo-Advisors And Financial Advisors in Michigan -

  1. Personalization vs. Automation

The main difference between financial advisors and robo-advisors is the level of personalization they offer.

Financial Advisors: These are real people with expertise in finance. They provide personalized advice tailored to your specific financial situation, goals, and risk tolerance. They take the time to understand your circumstances and can create customized plans for investments, retirement, and estate planning. In Michigan, many financial advisors hold certifications like Certified Financial Planner (CFP) or Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA), adding to their credibility.

Robo-Advisors: Robo-advisors are automated platforms that use algorithms to manage investment portfolios. While they can provide some personalization based on your answers to predefined questions, their recommendations are more standardized and may not consider your unique circumstances as thoroughly as a human advisor.

2. Cost

Cost is a significant factor in choosing between financial advisors and robo-advisors.

Financial Advisors: Hiring a financial advisor typically involves paying fees based on a percentage of your assets under management (AUM) or hourly rates. In Michigan, these fees can range from 1% to 2% of AUM. While financial advisors can be more expensive, their personalized advice and comprehensive planning can justify the cost for those needing extensive guidance.

Robo-Advisors: Robo-advisors are cost-effective, usually charging lower fees, around 0.25% to 0.50% of AUM. This makes them a popular choice for budget-conscious investors in Michigan. However, keep in mind that fees can vary between different robo-advisory platforms, and there may be additional fees for the underlying ETFs in your portfolio.

3. Accessibility and Convenience

Accessibility and convenience are essential considerations, especially for busy individuals.

Financial Advisors: Meeting with a financial advisor in Michigan often requires scheduling appointments, which may not always align with your availability. However, the face-to-face interaction and the opportunity to discuss complex financial matters in detail can be valuable for some.

Robo-Advisors: Robo-advisors are accessible 24/7, offering round-the-clock access to your investments. You can open an account, monitor your portfolio, and make changes online, making them an excellent choice for self-directed investors who prefer a hands-off approach.

Human Touch vs. Technology

The human element of financial advisors and the technological efficiency of robo-advisors cater to different investor preferences.

Financial Advisors: Financial advisors provide emotional support and a human connection, which can be particularly valuable during uncertain financial times. They can offer guidance beyond investment decisions, helping you navigate life events like buying a home, sending children to college, or planning for retirement.

Robo-Advisors: Robo-advisors rely on data-driven algorithms and lack the emotional aspect of human advisors. While this can be advantageous for disciplined, long-term investors who prefer an objective approach, it may not suit those who value personal relationships in their financial planning.


In short, choosing between a financial advisor and a robo-advisor depends on your financial goals, preferences, and budget. Financial advisors offer personalized guidance and comprehensive financial planning but come at a higher cost. Robo-advisors are cost-effective and convenient, making them a suitable choice for those who prefer automated solutions.

Ultimately, your choice should align with your specific needs and comfort level with technology. Some Michigan investors may even combine both options, leveraging the strengths of both financial advisors and robo-advisors to create a well-rounded financial strategy. The key is to take proactive steps towards securing your financial future, regardless of the path you choose.

Read more: Fee-Only Financial Advisor

