How to Get the Most Out of Wedding Photography

3 min readFeb 22, 2023

Wedding photography is the art of capturing memorable moments and details on your wedding day to create a fabulous album of memories that you can look back on again and again. A good photographer will capture the big moments such as the first sight of your partner, exchanging rings or vows and the ceremony itself as well as all the candid photos that are taken throughout the day at different locations. Learn more about wedding photographer Laval, go here.

When choosing a wedding photographer, it is important to get to know them and their style. Make sure to meet them in person and look at their portfolio to get an idea of what they can bring to the table. This way you will be able to pick the right person for you. Find out for further details on wedding photography Laval right here.

It is also a good idea to get to know the couple before the wedding so that you can understand what they expect from you on their special day. This will help you plan better and get the best photos of their special day.

For example, you might find that the couple want a lot of posed portraits of themselves for their album but not a lot of candid shots of them enjoying the day. This is something you might be able to work around by asking for some candid photos of the couple with their friends and family before you start taking posed shots, so that you can get the most out of them without having to rely on a lot of posing.

You can also get to know the couple by asking them questions about their personalities, their love story and what they are looking for in their photos. This will allow you to put your own creative spin on the images, and ensure that they are unique to them and not just a template for a traditional wedding.

Having a great portfolio will help you stand out from the competition and attract new clients. Be sure to get as many photos as possible up on your website, and be social on social media, so that people can view your work and see if you are the right fit for them.

Another thing to consider is lighting, which is essential to capturing beautiful pictures. Natural light is always preferable but if it isn’t available, you can use backlit lighting to make your subject more striking. Take a look at this link for more information.

Take a few practice shots on location before the big day to get to know your surroundings and your camera’s capabilities. This will give you a better idea of how to shoot in the real world and will also save you time on the day.

It’s always a good idea to bring some extra equipment with you, which will help you in the event that one of your cameras breaks down or if you are out of batteries. For instance, duct tape, lens cloths, wipes for oily skin, and even tissues can come in handy!

It is a good idea to have your camera’s batteries, spares, and memory cards charged at all times. This will ensure that you don’t have any problems during the wedding and can continue to take beautiful photos throughout the day.

