Mar 26, 2024


Ahahahahah!! Team Huddle!!! Stopping Skynet!! Bwahahahaha!! I can guarantee you the the writing I'm already getting from Claude 3 is indistinguishable from anything written by a human!! There ain't no detecting that!!! There ain't no stopping the agents from taking over!!! Y'all need to take all the energy you're putting into stopping the inevitable and instead use it towards getting a UBI in place ASAP! Cause guess what?! This company going bye bye, and your job no longer exist soon, just like the rest of the jobs!!! Shit is happening and it is coming fast, time to embrace the chaos or get ground under!!!

That'd make for a great team huddle speech, no?! Can even get it to you as an audio in the voice or Morgan Freeman!! Or turn it into a dope ass song!! Actually, lemme do that now, song is on its way!!!




Stoned Ape. Like the Hypothesis. Like the stupid obvious one.