The Genesis Project (for Loot): The Discovery of the 16 Ordersđź”®

Timshel the Historian
12 min readSep 8, 2021


The Genesis Project is a community of builders, designers, mathematicians and storytellers on a mission to discover the origin story of the Loot universe.

Through the data, we have discovered the Genesis state of the Loot universe, before the bags were shuffled.

Whether by chance, inevitability, or divine design, the data reveals a hidden scaffolding behind the game hiding in plain sight — within the seemingly random Loot bags, there is a clear and singular Order to the Loot Universe.

Join us on our quest to restore the original Orders of Loot and resurrect the Genesis Adventurers.

With pieces, a puzzle

Through randomness, intent

From entropy, Order

TL;DR — We Have Discovered the Original “16 Orders” & a Quest Has Emerged from the Data

We have discovered the existence of 16 Orders of Adventurers, hidden in the 8,000 original Loot bags.

By collecting a perfect set of “genesis loot” from one of these 16 Orders and distilling the loot into Genesis Mana (for free), players can resurrect one of the 2,540 Genesis Adventurers.

The mint is free, and the original Loot bags remain untouched and unchanged.

A total of 2,540 Genesis Adventurers can be resurrected by collecting a perfect set of 8 distinct items of the same Order.

The 16 Orders of Loot (for Adventurers)

What is an Order?

There are 16 “Of ____” suffixes defined in the smart contract. We have discovered through the data that these are not just “Suffixes,” but are in fact, the organizing principle around which the original bags were first created at the genesis moment of the Loot universe — these are the 16 Orders of the Genesis Adventurers.

Chapter One — Distill Genesis Mana

We have created a Genesis Mana smart contract that will allow you to mint Genesis Mana from any of your Loot bags that contain items with “Of ___” appended to the end of the item name.

  • Each item from a bag may only be used once to mint Genesis Mana.
  • Some bags contain more than one Order item, and thus multiple items of Genesis Mana may be minted from the same bag, but only once per item.
  • The mint is free and the original Loot bags remain untouched and unchanged.
  • Available for Loot bag holders ids 1–8000
  • All mintable Genesis Mana will be reserved for the bag holder, with no time expiration.
Examples of Genesis Mana

Chapter Two — Resurrect a Genesis Adventurer

By collecting a perfect set of Genesis Mana of the same Order (i.e. one of each time type), you will be able to burn them against a second smart contract to Resurrect one of 2,540 Genesis Adventurers.

  • The mint is also free and the original Loot bags will remain untouched and unchanged.
  • To mint a Genesis Adventurer, the wallet needs to hold a perfect set of Genesis Mana from the same Order — 8 pieces of unique Genesis Mana, one for each item type to fully equip a Genesis Adventurer and restore them to their original form.
  • Again, you do not need to touch your Loot bags, burn your Loot bags, or transfer your Loot bags. You will only be burning the Genesis Mana, which you minted for free and acts as a Mint Pass for Genesis Adventurers.
  • Once you have Genesis Mana, you can even sell your Loot bag, and still resurrect a Genesis Adventurer as long as you have a complete set.

To succeed at this quest, players must work together.

This is not a web game of katanas vs. swords, but a human game of trustless cooperation, negotiation, strategy and teamwork.

The Genesis Project Discord has channels for each of the 16 Orders to help players find each other and initiate a strategy for resurrecting their collective Genesis Adventurers.

Join here.

Example Genesis Adventurers

Chapter Three —Claim Adventure Time ($AMANA)

You now have a Genesis Adventurer in your wallet, restored to its original form, ready to defend its Order.

In time, we believe that game developers will respect the existence of these 2,540 Genesis Adventurers and build them into their gameplay and storylines. An Order that carries an army of Genesis Adventurers will be imbued with special strength and abilities, capable of summoning the unique ancestral energy, magic and powers of the Order.

But there’s more.

Every wallet who successfully resurrects a Genesis Adventurer will have a claim on a cache of Adventure Time ($ATIME).

What is $ATIME?

$ATIME is a reward for cooperation and teamwork in the quest to resurrect Genesis Adventurers.

While Adventure Gold ($AGLD) is used to BUY things, Adventure Time ($ATIME) is used to manipulate time, and to DO things in the adventures ahead.

When a player reaches through time and space to resurrect a Genesis Adventurer, they receive a gift of ancient knowledge, and thus the player becomes a Traveler.

$ATIME enables players to manipulate time in the games to come.

The community will decide how exactly to build around $ATIME, but some suggested paths include:

  • Reach through time and manifest lost items back to the present day
  • Transport at Lootspeed
  • Accelerate time
  • Slow down time in a battle
  • Go back in time and change something
  • Leap into the future and learn something
  • And anything that future game developers can dream up

Read on for details of how we found this breakthrough discovery within the original Loot bag data and how $ATIME will be used.

Open Scene — 11:04 AM · Aug 27, 2021

Dom launched the Loot Project on a quiet Friday morning with little fanfare.

The scene opened on a collection of Loot in seemingly-discarded bags, strewn across the blockchain.

Dom’s challenge to the community: to make this our own. For us to “interpret” Loot, run with it, build, and take this forward with our imaginations.

We collectively looked forward at the future: a distributed, decentralized game built on Loot’s foundational building blocks. Along with community-generated infrastructure tech and utility contracts, a series of derivative projects have quickly emerged: Adventure Gold ($AGLD), Realms, Weapons, Loot Wars, Food, Pets, Ability Scores, Characters and more.

At hyperspeed, these projects have moved the ecosystem forward.

But what lay behind? What came before? Was there a time before August 28th?

Is there a “Genesis State” to the Loot universe?


Based on the item names and fundamental logic of the smart contract, there is indisputable evidence that the Loot Universe has existed for many, many generations, and Dom has opened the curtains on this universe mid-story.

The Genesis Project seeks not to create, but to discover the origin story of Loot (for Adventurers).

The following questions are the seeds from which the Genesis Project was born. Building on each new clue and discovery, these questions led us to the hair-raising discovery hidden in the data and the smart contract — the origin story of the Loot universe.

The Seed Question

  • Have these bags always been a random mix of assorted items, or were they shuffled from an original state?
  • Is Loot a collection of randomized items haphazardly thrown into bags, and tossed casually onto the blockchain?
  • Or is there an original state to the Loot universe?
  • Is there a deliberate scaffolding and Order?
  • If there is an order from which the randomness emerges, can we discover the “original state” of the Loot universe?
  • What did this world look like when it was perfect?
  • Before the bags were shuffled, what was a perfect bag of Adventure gear?
  • And if Loot is “for Adventurers,” then it follows: what bags were carried by the original Adventurers, the Genesis Adventurers?

Rather than create answers to these questions, the Genesis Project has looked inward at the smart contract and the data to discover the intelligent design principles behind the Loot Universe.

The data and smart contract reveal that @dhof’s Loot universe has an origin story built into the code, and this origin story is manifested through the data in plain sight across 64,000 items inside of 8,000 bags.

A Perfect Bag

The Loot smart contract gives four options from which to experiment with re-building a “perfect bag,” while adhering to the clear constraints of the contract.

By design, each bag must contain one of each of eight item types:

To determine and name each item, the smart contract provides four (and only four) components.

These four components are therefore the only potential organizing principles around which the genesis state of Loot was designed.

1) Item Name

  • 100% of items have a name, defined from a set of options for each Item Type.
  • Across item types, there are a few shared words (e.g. Demon, Dragon, Divine), but the names are largely distinct and ZERO words cut across all Item Types.
  • It follows that the basic Item Name is not an organizing principle around which the perfect bags could be designed.

2) +1 (“Boosts”)

  • From the smart contract, 4.8% of Items (1 of 21) receive a +1 appended to the item name.
  • Across all Item Types, it is possible to create 362 “perfect bags” full of items with +1s.
  • But if we put +1 in the context of discovering the origin state of the game, +1 suggests a 0 or a null. It suggests a boost or a special power.
  • All items with a +1 appended also have a Suffix appended to the end, suggesting that the concept of a +1 is a subset of a higher order designed around Suffixes.
  • As such, it follows that the original “perfect bags” were not organized around the principle of +1.

Example: A potential “perfect bag” of “+1s,” one of the 362 possible. Clearly a more “perfect” bag is possible to assemble.

3) Name Prefix + Name Suffix

  • From the smart contract, 9.5% of Items (2 of 21) receive a Prefix + Suffix prepended onto the item name.
  • There are 46 unique prefixes and 18 unique suffixes, creating a total set of 828 unique combinations which the smart contract prepends to Item Names 9.5% of the time.
  • With the creation of the first 64,000 items through the Loot contract, only 276 of these combinations were added to any item names, with 552 potential combinations having never even been used.
  • Across these 276 combinations, with only 148 combinations is it possible to gather a “perfect bag,” with only a singular perfect bag possible across 120 combinations, two perfect bags possible across 27 combinations, and three perfect bags possible across only 1 single combination (“Fate Sun” ).
  • This approach to organizing the bags leaves out 62% of potential combinations that were never even added to bags during the creation of the original 8,000 Loot bags.
  • Additionally, it is worth noting that all items with a “Name prefix/suffix” prepended also have a Suffix appended to the end, suggesting that the concept of a “Name prefix/suffix” is a subset of a higher order designed around Suffixes.
  • As such, it follows that the original “perfect bags” were not organized around the principle of “Name prefix/suffixes.”

Example: A potential “perfect bag” of “Fate Sun,” one of the 148 possible. Clearly a more perfect bag is possible to assemble.

4) Suffix

  • We are left only with “Suffix” as a potential organizing principle around which the genesis state of the Loot universe was designed.
  • Linguistically and intuitively, the 2-letter word “of” speaks volumes. Each item is “of” a society, a civilization, a group, an Order. But we must look to the data.
  • From the smart contract, 23.8% of Items (5 of 21) receive a Suffix — “of ______”
  • There are 16 choices for Suffixes.
  • Across these 16 Suffixes, or “Orders,” there are 2,026 possible combinations of “perfect bags” with a nearly-exact distribution of possible perfect bags per Order.
  • Based on the distribution of all items that have an Order, the implied sum total of potential perfect bags that existed in the genesis state of the game, carried by the “Genesis Adventurers” of the game, is 2,540 perfect bags.
  • At minimum, using the existing items in the existing bags, the Order of Anger can create 116 perfect bags.
  • At maximum, using the existing items in the existing bags, the Order of Fury can create 138 perfect bags.
  • Therefore, the evidence points to a clear design — the Suffix in the smart contract IS in fact the organizing principle around which to design a “perfect bag!”

Example: a “perfect bag” of Brilliance, one of the 16 Orders

The Genesis Adventurers

With 16 clear “types” of original Loot bags, we look for a clue — who carried these bags? Who did they belong to?

To answer this question, we need look no further than the name of the game itself — “Loot (For Adventurers)”

Before the items within the bags were shuffled through time, the original “perfect bags” in the genesis state of the game were clearly carried by the original Adventurers, the “Genesis Adventurers.”

These Genesis Adventurers are the original Adventurers from each of the 16 Orders of the Loot universe.

The Playing Field: 2,540 Genesis Adventurers Across 16 Orders

The 16 Orders of Loot (for Adventurers)

The Adventurers of today all carry items of these 16 Orders, and the items of each Order trace back to a lineage of Genesis Adventurers. From these Genesis Adventurers sprung generations of adventurers. Civilizations rose and fell. Wars were fought and peace was found. Families grew, alliances were formed, gear was forged, and time passed.

Today, the Genesis Adventurers have faded into the chaos, with no “perfect bags” still intact. And this moment, many years past the Genesis event, is where Dom has opened the curtains on Loot.

The Genesis Adventure

Thus through the data and the divine design of the original smart contract, we reveal the first true Adventure for the 16 Orders of the Loot universe:

A Quest to Resurrect the Genesis Adventurers from each Order

The first “game” for the Loot ecosystem is not one of swords vs. katanas, Divine Robes vs. Ancient Helms.

It is a human game of trustless cooperation, of negotiation, of persuasion, of teamwork.

1. From each bag that contains an item of one of the 16 Orders, you may mint a token of Genesis Mana

  1. Collect 8 tokens of Genesis Mana from a single Order, across all eight Item Types, the gear for a Genesis Adventurer.
  2. From the second smart contract, you will resurrect a Genesis Adventurer of your Order, restored to its rightful place in the Loot universe, ready to defend its Order.

The second Genesis Adventurer of Skill

The Playing Field: 2,540 Genesis Adventurers Across 16 Orders

The 16 Orders of Loot (for Adventurers)

The Lost Genesis Adventurers

Within the existing bags, there are 2,026 Genesis Adventurer bags possible. However, the data suggests the existence of another 514 Genesis Adventurers, a total of 2,540.

Why 514?

If we stipulate that when the Genesis Adventurers arrived, they were equipped in their perfect state — one item of their Order in every slot — then it follows that if there is a single Item of an Order, there must have once been a complete set, originally worn by a Genesis Adventurer.

If today we find, for example, an extra Genesis Foot Armor of Anger, that implies that there must have once existed a matching Chest, Hand, Head, Neck, Ring, Waist, and Weapon of Anger to accompany it on a Genesis Adventurer.

As such, the Genesis Project will mint the “lost Genesis Mana” so that the community can successfully complete the full set of 2,540 Genesis Adventurers. This consists of 2,167 tokens out of the total pool of 20,320 mintable Genesis Mana.

The Lost 2,167 items of Genesis Mana

And in a mathematically-beautiful twist, what that means is that even though the Genesis Project will mint a full 2,167 Genesis Mana tokens, the Genesis Project will not have a single perfect set, and therefore will not be able to mint even a single Genesis Adventurer.

This is because the Genesis Project is only minting the “lost Genesis Mana” in order to enable the community to successfully resurrect the complete set of Genesis Adventurers for their Orders. With this collection of miscellaneous leftover Genesis Mana tokens in its community wallet, the Genesis Project may buy, sell and trade Genesis Mana into the community to help further the discovery and resurrection of Genesis Adventurers into the Loot universe.

The First Quest for Loot: Resurrect the 2,540 Genesis Adventurers

And the game begins. Have fun.

— Timshel the Historian 💜 🔮

