4 min readDec 28, 2017

The market cannot be wrong

I found Zoin in April 2017, then the capitalization of this coin was only 150,000 dollars, no one supported it, the former developer had to leave the team for personal reasons right after the fork to Zcoin, in the early stages of Zoin. This period from January to April was very hard for the coin as there was a lot of uncertainty with the future for Zoin. Nevertheless, there were brave enthusiasts who took control over Zoin and started to make it grown. They opened the Slack, and helped newcomers in every possible way, this was the period of formation of the community, there were only 20 people helping each other. Since then, these brave people have done a tremendous job:

  • In May and June, a huge work was done on rebranding, logo was chosen by voting, work began on a new website and the search for new developers started.
  • In June-August, formation of the main Zoin Team and the development of the project strategy.
  • In September, the start of development of new wallets and follow the strategy of the project development.
  • In October was a difficult month for Zoin the release of new wallets for Windows Linux and Mac have to be delayed. The community thought that the release of a raw product that did not pass sufficient testing would do much more harm to the credibility of the project, so they decided to delay the release for further testing. I think coins with much higher capitalization and developers (working for money) still experience these problems.
  • In November, the team tested and successfully launched the new wallets. Also, a vote was taken on important issues relating how Zoin will develop in the future. All this was not without difficulties, but the developers and the community showed their strength and competence in solving current problems.

December is not over yet, but it’s already possible to sum up the results of 2017:

  • The Zoin Team has been formed and continues to grow, time has shown that developers are very professional, have the technical knowledge required and they can be trusted.
  • The community is growing exponentially with 20 people in the slack in April to +800 in December. This is a fairly large number of people for a coin with a capitalization of $ 2,000,000. Every day I see grateful responses from people, many have found what they have been looking for a long time. I can confirm that, in comparison with other groups in Slack, our group is in a win-win situation.
  • There has been significant progress on Twitter, people are beginning to talk more about Zoin, the coin is becoming more popular.

Finally, the Market cannot be wrong, since April the coin has grown significantly in price from less than one cent to 20 cents! And this growth is characterized to be continuous in time, it was not a product of any kind of pump and dump. This healthy continuous growth is a characteristic of projects with a great future.

p.s. The article was written in the middle of December, since then the development of the zoin project has only accelerated in all directions. An important patch has been released 25-26 December , which fixes problems with the synchronization of the wallet. Capitalization has increased 5-6 times  and its only beginning!

In 1Q 2018 the following events are planned:

1. A new website is being created as we speak. With a brand new interface and many more information updated a a clearer roadmap. Videos/blogs/Zoin Foundation/newer graphics done by @Julien to resemble the beautiful graphic of the wallet

2. 0% premined. But this project was funded by the devs themselves and donations (which is not much) so the community voted for a fast mine which will be implemented in the core update for about a month. This will give the devs enough funds to push zoin development through the roof! This is the zoin foundation which will be on the official website with full transparency to show where the funds are being used. These funds will NOT be traded, but developers and marketers will be paid in ZOI.

3. The core upgrade being worked on right now by lead dev @jackieboy will help stabilise the network, fix any bugs/issues, allow fulltime zerocoin protocol such as mint/spend. This will also help implement mobile wallets and masternodes. This is planned in a few weeks time. Thereafter will be a massive push for marketing and new exchanges. The core upgrade will put us in front of MANY coins and put us on the same level as many big coins.

I am grateful to the Zoin Team for the opportunity to be a part of this community, as they are really professional in their field. Let’s not forget that the team is still working pro bono and at the expense of donations.

I wish everyone good luck and a lots of money in 2018.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!