Open-Source Immortality: 5 Life Extension Supplements Worth Following

Tim Ventura
4 min readDec 19, 2019

The quest for immortality has gone open-source thanks to Longecity & Reddit, where life-extension & health enthusiasts are actively experimenting with new supplements in an effort to bypass the painfully slow medical testing & approval processes for aging & senescence therapies.

This trend is currently being driven by an aging boomer population, rising costs of traditional medicine, and a growing dislike for mainstream pharma, thanks to mercenary drug-company executives like Martin Shkreli.

Depending on your point of view, these anti-aging activists are either brave pioneers or foolish dreamers hoping to “Live Long Enough To Live Forever”, but regardless of your perspective, the exploration of thousands of new compounds has led to a few relatively popular supplements that are claimed to be showing results.

The Top-5 Life-Extension Supplements:

All of the compounds below are available online, and are being taken by literally thousands of people opting to use themselves as guinea-pigs in the race to stay young. None of these compounds are FDA cleared, so I would strongly urge caution to anyone seeking to get involved.

NMN & Nicotinamide-Riboside



Tim Ventura

Futurist & business executive with 25+ years of industry experience and a passion for the future.