The High Output “Massive Yet Tiny” Swing-Piston Engine

Tim Ventura
15 min readDec 9, 2019

Imagine dumping the big V-8 in your SUV for a 25-pound, 2.4 liter engine that gets 150 miles per gallon on biodiesel. We join Raphial Morgado to learn about the Massive Yet Tiny engine — a swing-piston or toroidal engine design he claims will deliver up to 40 times the power-to-weight ratio of a conventional engine, along with flexible fuel compatibility and the torque of a 32-cylinder engine.

Raphial, let’s start out with an overview the MYT engine, which you’ve made some big claims about in terms of size, performance, and efficiency. What inspired you to develop this?

When I got back from Vietnam, the chaplain said “get busy or go crazy”, so I got busy — I was a sheet-metal worker at the time and I got into drag-racing, and during that period blew up more than my share of conventional engines. Those engines were expensive, complex & difficult to maintain, and I started to wonder if there might not be better way to build a high-performance engine.

MYT Inventor Raphial Morgado at the LA Auto Show

That’s what gave me the inspiration for the MYT Engine design — it came from the need to have an engine that can stand up to the tremendous abuse of drag racing. After literally blowing up…



Tim Ventura

Futurist & business executive with 25+ years of industry experience and a passion for the future.