Tin La
2 min readApr 1, 2019
  • CS373 Spring 2019: Tin La

What Did You Do This Past Week?

Because I did nothing for Spring Break, this past week has been very hectic for me and my group partners. As school started again, I did nothing but sit in the GDC to work on Project# 3 IDB2 until Thursday, which was the due date before it changed. After that, I spent my Friday catching up on my Software Design homework.

What Is In Your Way?

It seems that although I did pass all the test cases during the Software Engineering midterm, I did not get full points as I expected to. This is definitely worrisome for me, since I now have to be a bit more careful when taking quizzes to minimize any more point reductions. Other than that, I am trying to catch up on my software design lectures since I have been using that time to focus on other classwork.

What Will You Do Next Week?

My midterm for software design is coming up, and honestly, I do not feel prepared at all. I don’t exactly understand the lectures, and I have a project that’s due soon in that class. I’ll probably be trying to figure out what’s going on during the lectures and start studying for the midterm.

What was your experience of Project #3 IDB2?

It was pretty smooth. I feel that once we knew what to do, my group members started working pretty efficiently. We met up often, and that helped a lot since we can ask questions right away. I also had a lot of help when working on the Flask API. There were some frustrating issues with our API where we didn’t get the updated responses, so I’m glad I got the help I needed.

Pick Of The Week:

I feel like as summer approaches, the rush for a summer internship intensifies. The pressure to learn and master concepts such as dynamic programming, union find, and other algorithms can definitely stress applicants out, and I’ve definitely been in that boat before. One thing that helped me get by was following Tushar Roy on Youtube. He has really helpful videos that walk through concepts thoroughly and clearly enough to follow, and I’m thankful for his channel. Check it out! https://www.youtube.com/user/tusharroy2525