1. Application Fee
Before submitting your application, make sure you have paid the necessary charge. The Application Pricing List can be found in the Fees and Payments section. If you are a tax resident of Australia, the application price includes GST.
2. Photograph
One current passport-sized color photograph is required. The photograph should be taken within six months and of good quality. Note that self-taken photos are not permitted.
3. Proof of Identity
You must submit a minimum of one primary document and two additional documents from the list below as proof of identity.
- Birth Certificate
- Bio page of Passport
- National ID
- Driving License
- Social Security Card
- Marriage Certificate
4. Australian Visa
Make sure you have a photo of yourself on at least one of your documents. Your full name and date of birth should appear on at least one of your identification documents.
To certify that all of the information provided is accurate and complete, you must read and sign the Declaration on the application form. It also simplifies the evaluation procedure.
If you’ve requested an agent representative to act on your behalf, the declaration form must include their name, signature, and signing date.
5. Change of Name(If)
Provide proof of name change if relevant to avoid naming errors in the documents. It gives your identity a solid foundation.
6. Qualification Evidence
The academic transcripts contain your qualification verification, which is your Achievement Certificate.
7. Award Certificate
The award certificate is the official document that verifies the completion of a study program. Assume you haven’t received your certificate of completion. In that instance, the awarding body will offer a provisional award certificate or an official declaration of completion. It is provided by the granting institution’s registering authority and will be accepted.
8. Academic Transcript
Provide the entire academic materials to the evaluating authority. These are official records that detail the courses/units of study you completed and the final grades you received. The award certificate must be issued by the awarding Institution permitted to grant the qualifications if you attended a college affiliated with the awarding Institution.
If your transcripts are lacking in detail on the units of study you completed, be sure to provide other evidence, such as a syllabus, to supplement your information. In your CV, you can also include comprehensive projects and other essential aspects of your studies.
9. Employment Evidence
For each job position indicated in the skills assessment application, you must present required employment evidence.
Statement of Service
A Statement of Service is a communication statement on official letterhead from an employee verifying employment. The company’s full address, email address, website, and phone number should all be included on the letterhead. The supervisor or manager of the human resources department must sign the text on the letterhead. The following information must be included in the Statement of Service:
10. Statutory Declarations and Affidavits
A key legal expert in the country must properly complete the statutory Declaration. Candidates must seek adequate legal counsel.
Statutory Declarations need to provide any information you cannot supply through official documents, such as the description of the tasks related to the particular period of employment.
Remember that a skills evaluation cannot solely be relied on the content of a statutory declaration or affidavit. A statutory declaration cannot be used to verify your work dates, position, or paycheck. Official paperwork should be used to store related information.
11. Curriculum Vitae/ Resume
If you’re applying for a skill evaluation, you’ll need to submit a CV to help with the evaluation. A resume is a collection of academic and job experience documents required for ACS skill evaluation, with an emphasis on your total academic qualifications and course studies. It also includes examples of work you’ve completed throughout time. In general, it outlines your work history in your own words.
Isn’t document preparation a time-consuming task? Particularly for people who have recently begun working and do not have time to write a document for the ACS Australia skill assessment. Well, here you go! Prepare documents at your convenience. ACSRPLAustralia prepares the documentation needed to apply for skill assessment.